Dossy wrote:
    | Note that if two or more threads have the same database open and
    | one thread creates a new table or index, the other threads might
    | not be able to see the new table right away. You might have to get
    | the other threads to close and reopen their connection to the
    | database before they will be able to see the new table.
Pargraph #3 bothers me.  If this is the case (changes in one thread not
picked up by the other threads unless they close/reopen the DB), that's
a pretty tough limitation.

This limitation is not related to threads, but SQLite itself.

From Q7:
If two or more processes have the same database open and one process
creates a new table or index, the other processes might not be able to
see the new table right away. You might have to get the other processes
to close and reopen their connection to the database before they will be
able to see the new table.

The easiest way would be to create a global counter and increment it
when database schema has changed (this could be triggered by hand by
[ns_sqlite reopen]). However this would include mutex locking on every
query, which would slow things down.

SQLite deifnitely has its place, especially as an even lighter-weight
alternative to MySQL, but I'd still urge folks to look at MetaKit, which
has been around since 1996, compared to SQLite since 2000.

My guess is that SQLite is much easier to use than MetaKit. I've tried MK, but never got to like it, although I find subviews really interesting.


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