On 2004.07.21, John Caruso <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >    http://www.redhat.com/swr/noarch/autoconf-2.57-3.noarch.html
> That's a RedHat 9 RPM, not an Advanced Server 2.1 RPM.

Excuse my RedHat ignorance, but could you explain the difference?  Will
this RPM not install on RHAS 2.1 at all?  Is it because of unmet
dependencies, or something else?

> The current supported version of Perl for RHAS 2.1 is 5.6.1.

Reviewing the autotools code, there's nothing that requires a specific
version of Perl.  It *appears* as though the Perl code should work fine
with Perl 5.6.1.  I don't have 5.6.1 installed, but I do have 5.005.03
installed to test:

$ autoconf2.50 configure.in > configure.250
$ perl5.00503 /usr/bin/autom4te --language=autoconf \
    --output=configure.oldperl "" configure.in
$ diff configure.250 configure.oldperl | wc -l

No difference based on what version of Perl is used.  However, autotools
heavily relies on M4.  So:

$ m4 --version
GNU m4 1.4.1

What's the newest version of M4 supported on RHAS 2.1?

> >> What is the advantage of upgrade?
> >
> >Considering Autoconf 2.58 was released back in November 2003, I'm
> >assuming it's stable by now.  The advantage of upgrade at this point
> >is to keep our build infrastructure fairly current.
> If that's the overriding advantage, I'd say the disadvantage of making
> RHAS 2.1 a more difficult environment on which to build AOLserver (if that
> in fact would be the result) outweighs it.

It actually wouldn't be: we'd still distribute the generated "configure"
script for folks to run, which *should* be platform-neutral and not use
any features not commonly available (i.e., backwards compatible) across
all the platforms that autotools claims to support.

It COULD make developing AOLserver itself slightly more difficult if one
couldn't change the source scripts that feed autotools because you
couldn't re-run all the autotools stuff to regenerate the configure
script, etc., but perhaps that's a non-issue.

-- Dossy

Dossy Shiobara                       mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Panoptic Computer Network             web: http://www.panoptic.com/
  "He realized the fastest way to change is to laugh at your own
    folly -- then you can let go and quickly move on." (p. 70)

AOLserver - http://www.aolserver.com/

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