I disagree with your opinion on whats more readable and what looks
better. Admittedly, its a matter of personal choice... but it so happens
thatthe choice I prefer isn't currently available. I, and others, would
like it to be.

Rob Seeger

Dossy Shiobara wrote on 8/13/2004, 10:23 AM:

 > On 2004.08.13, Robert Seeger <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
 > > # Lets output some financial data
 > > # We need to escape the $ for the monetary units
 > >
 > > ns_puts [subst {
 > >      <tr>
 > >          <td><a ref="link[set $i]">Item $i</a></td>
 > >          <td>\$$amount($i)</td>
 > >      </tr>
 > > }
 > Compare that to:
 >   %>
 >      <tr>
 >          <td><a ref="link<%= [set $i] %>">Item <%= $i %></a></td>
 >          <td>$<%= $amount($i) %></td>
 >      </tr>
 >   <%
 > There's a LOT more "escaping" going on in the ASP-style version -- <%=
 > and %> are used instead of just one \ ...
 > > For that type of output, yes its not the best choice. However, there
 > are
 > > situations where doing it inside an ns_adp_puts is the more hideous of
 > > the choices. For example:
 > >
 > > <table>
 > > <%
 > > foreach row $rows {
 > >     foreach {
 > >         item1 item2 item3 item4 item5 item6 item7
 > >     } $row {break}
 > >     ### Output a lot of html for each row of data
 > >     %>
 > >
 > >     <tr>
 > >        <!-- 30 lines of html here that output the items
 > >          -- and the form elements involved with them
 > >          -->
 > >     </tr>
 > >
 > >     %>
 > >     ### Done with row
 > > }
 > > %>
 > > </table>
 > I fail to see why the following is more "hideous" than your version
 > above:
 >     <table>
 >     <%
 >     foreach row $rows {
 >         foreach {
 >             item1 item2 item3 item4 item5 item6 item7
 >         } $row {break}
 >         ### Output a lot of html for each row of data
 >         ns_adp_puts [subst {
 >         <tr>
 >            <!-- 30 lines of html here that output the items
 >              -- and the form elements involved with them
 >              -->
 >         </tr>
 >         }]
 >         ### Done with row
 >     }
 >     %>
 >     </table>
 > Instead of %> and <%, my version uses "ns_adp_puts [subst {" and "}]".
 > The difference is, the actual "30 lines of HTML" that would be where the
 > HTML comment is in your version will have much more escaping using <%=
 > and %> than in mine where I only need to escape $ and [ and only IF they
 > actually appear in the HTML.  In your version, every single time you
 > want to interpolate some Tcl chunk, you'll need to "escape" it with <%=
 > and %>.
 > Regardless, there's too many folks out there who cut their teeth on web
 > scripting on VBScript and ASP to not at least support this style, but
 > the less ASP-style ADP code that's out there, the better.  Just because
 > it's a popular doesn't mean it's better, and most people just think it's
 > better because that's what they learned first.  It's just resistance to
 > change ...
 > Unless, people really want to debate that Microsoft's known for
 > inventing things that really ARE best practices ... as opposed to just
 > creating a lot of inertia.  I mean, all of those "enhancements" to the
 > HTTP protocol and JavaScript and CSS that are in MSIE that aren't
 > supported by other browsers ... everyone should do it that way, the
 > pages just LOOK better with those extra features ...
 > -- Dossy
 > --
 > Dossy Shiobara                       mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 > Panoptic Computer Network             web: http://www.panoptic.com/
 >   "He realized the fastest way to change is to laugh at your own
 >     folly -- then you can let go and quickly move on." (p. 70)
 > --
 > AOLserver - http://www.aolserver.com/
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 > <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> with the
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AOLserver - http://www.aolserver.com/

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