Automatic digest processor wrote on 8/14/2004, 11:01 PM:

 > OK -- I updated the 4.1 code to support this.  You can set a
 > "singlescript"
 > ADP config option and the page is parsed into a single big script
 > block which
 > supports the sequence above. It's off by  default.  There's a new
 > "safeeval"
 > option which may be useful as  well.  It's possible the code could be
 > back
 > ported to 4.0 or 3.x but I  didn't look into that.
 > BTW:  It turns out the code to make this work, outside the various
 > config
 > junk, wasn't to complicated.  Basically it required calling a
 > function to
 > collapse all the blocks together at the end of parsing -- the  key
 > function is
 > below.

Wow, thanks!   You mentioned that there might be a performance hit with
this option--any guess as to how significant that would be?


Sr. Software Engineer
Parental Controls Web

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