--- Andrew Piskorski <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> On Fri, Aug 27, 2004 at 11:11:59AM -0700, Brett
> Schwarz wrote:
> > Sure, I didn't elaborate before, because I was
> trying to keep the OT
> > noise down.
> Actually, I think this sort of discussion, while not
> topic for the AOLserver list, is more than close
> enough for
> discsussion.  In fact, I'd like to encourage it.
> Your question is basically one example of, "I know
> that AOLserver does
> X really well, I'd like to understand how, so that I
> can do something
> similar to X with a different program.".  I think
> those sorts of
> engineering design questions are likely to teach
> many of us something
> useful.
> > Anyways, there is an open source PBX system
> (asterisk) that has an
> > programming interface that is very similar to CGI
> (in fact it is
> > called AGI). Right now, it forks off a process
> everytime an AGI is
> > called (just like CGI). I would like to change
> that so that Tcl
> > scripts are loaded in ahead of time, and are
> executed in process (no
> > forking). Pretty much how aolserver runs tcl procs
> and tcl pages.
> You might also consider something like FastCGI.
> Maybe that approach
> would be easier to integrate into the Asterisk
> codebase than
> AOLserver's in-process interpreter approach, I
> dunno.

I thought, in essense, aolserver is FastCGI. What are
the differences?

> Now, I've never done it, but my understanding is
> that anytime you want
> to combine Tcl and C, your first thing to decide is
> which language is
> in charge?  In AOLserver the C code is in charge,
> and that's the way
> Ousterhout originally envisioned embedding Tcl.  The
> other way, more
> popular lately, is to make Tcl in charge, and embed
> all your C
> functionality into tclsh as new Tcl commands.
> I imagine that depending on how the Asterisk code is
> organized, one or
> both of those approaches should be feasible.  But of
> course, unless
> the whole codebase is already organized as a library
> for easy
> embedding into other code, the AOLserver style "C is
> in charge" way
> sounds more likely.

By default, C is in charge, since this is an existing
C app.

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