Here's another thing that is working differently from nsd3.3.  This

                # don't do anything with error, it just means we
weren't in a
                # template when this function was called
                catch [template::adp_abort]

used to be silent.

In AOLserver 4.0.8, I'm getting

[19/Sep/2004:17:07:27][13835.10251][-conn:live-granta::7] Error: GET
/collections  ADP_ABORT
    while executing
"error ADP_ABORT "
    (procedure "template::adp_abort" line 1)
    invoked from within
    invoked from within
"if { $user_session_id == 0 } {

blah, blah....

In the error/server log.  Frequently.  Very frequently, even.

template::adp_abort is pretty simple:

proc template::adp_abort {} { error ADP_ABORT }

Is there anything I can do to regain my peace and quiet?



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