On Tue, 8 Feb 2005 01:39:28 -0500, Andrew Piskorski <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Please, *OF COURSE* the 3 guys who want to add multi-protocol support
> to the AOLserver core are a minority of AOLserver users!  *YOU* are a
> minority of AOLserver users too, Dossy.

Right.  There's a huge difference between "majority rules" and
stewardship.  Today's installed base may not care one whit about
multiprotocol support, OCaml integration or better documentation in
Japanese.  Today's users aren't the target audience, so trying to
identify demographics in the current userbase is a strawman.  Placating
the majority here is a path towards stagnation and death, not innovation
and growth.

For the sake of argument, ~95% of AOLServers users don't and won't
modify the codebase (including docs).  And those same users don't use
more than ~50% of the features in AOLServer.  The issue isn't whether or
not to enlarge the scope of the project to include a feature, like
multiprotocol support.  The issue *should* be whether to include that
feature based on its merits.  If ~95% of users next year do not use
multiprotocol support, who cares?

If we were talking about, say, turning AOLServer into an X-Window
manager, mail reader and web browser, then the proposed changes would be
questionable, because they are not in scope with the mission/goals of
the project.

-- Adam

AOLserver - http://www.aolserver.com/

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