I have not had much time, or need, to work on the driver lately.  I did
manage to merge in all our changes that provide the PL/SQL layer
though, so really it should just be in bug fix mode right now.  We've
been using a near CVS version of this driver in development and
production for some time now.  Thats not to say its entirely stable
though.  We pretty much only use named bind variables (:mycol) that are
automagically bound from the environment which means options like -bind
haven't gotten a workout.

If anybody has time to test out the driver and report back any issues
I'd probably find the time to fix them.  I know a few people have
reported issues to me and I've tried to get those resolved.  As a
matter of fact just this past weekend I spent time trying to debug an
issue with lobs that turns out might have been an issue with Oracle

As for backward compatibility the current CVS code should be 100%
backward compatible AFAIK.  If its not please let me know and I'll fix
it.  I did have some ideas for 3.x that might break backwards compat.
but I haven't done anything yet.

I guess the bottom line is that for most people the 2.7 version of the
driver is enough so I'm not really feeling the pressure to make a

Hope this helps clarify the status of the Oracle driver.

- Jeremy

On Feb 24, 2005, at 1:06 AM, Andrew Piskorski wrote:

What's the current status of the nsoracle module?  I see that Jeremy
Collins made a bunch of changes in 2004, but nothing since September,
and no new version was ever released since 2.7, which is what OpenACS
and probably most other folks are still using.  I also heard
complaints from Don Baccus that the nsoracle changes in CVS are not
backwards compatible, but I don't know the details.  Jeremy?

Andrew Piskorski <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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