I am considering using AOLserver, because it appears
to be robust and efficient for active content.

However, the documentation appears to be non-existent
or wildly out of date, which raises the bar

I would prefer to use C, since I don't currently know
Tcl, and I am developing for a fairly low end machine.
 If I'm going to use an interpreted language, I may
end up using Apache 2.0 with MPM=worker and mod_perl,
since I am familiar with Perl already.  I would prefer
to use a lighter weight server, however.

I have figured out how to use Ns_RegisterRequest, and
Ns_ConnGetQuery, but it appears that clean access to
uploaded files is limited to Tcl.  In C, the Ns_Set
field for the file appears to only have the original
name of the file, without an obvious way to get at the
file contents.

Looking at the source code shows that perhaps I can
cast the Ns_Conn to a Conn and then use the Tcl hash
interface to get at the file contents.

This seems very kludgy, though.

I find it hard to believe that in more than 10 years,
C interface users have not needed to get access to
uploaded files, so perhaps there's something I'm

Please clue me in, or tell me that I'm barking up the
wrong tree.



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