
The patch would need to be updated as the underlying code has changed. Otherwise, I'm inclined to just restore the previous behavior unless I'm missing something. Does anyone have a reason why the new behavior is preferred to the old or was this all just something I screwed up combining the old fancy and simple parsers? I'm thinking it may have been related to the new "safe eval" capability which disables the <% .. %> scripts entirely (useful in apps where non-programmers are allowed to drop registered tags in pages).

Jeremy: Can you update the patch to work against the HEAD branch?


On Aug 18, 2005, at 6:07 PM, Alastair Young wrote:

I am working on upgrading our systems to Aolserver 4.x and have run into
the issue below. We have a whole boatload of code that has <% %> tags
embedded within registered tags.

I did not see any response to the post below.

What is the story on this?

Alastair Young

On Sat, 18 Sep 2004 10:53:26 -0500, Jeremy Collins

In testing our application on AS 4.x I noticed that the new ADP parser
gives precedence to <% %> tags before registered tags.  For example:

<if foo def>
<% ns_adp_puts "i'm here but you can't see me" %>

Obviously <if> would be a registered tag.  Now if you run this the
output is this:

<if foo def>
i'm here but you can't see me

As you can see the <if> tag failed to get parsed.

Do people prefer this? Does anybody have issues with reverting back to
AS 3.5.x behavior?  Personally I don't like this behavior, and would
like to see it reverted back.  Thoughts?

- Jeremy

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