Till now I got the following to work: The main configuration file includes a a command to include my script to fetch the data out of the mysql server. This script fetches the domain, document-root and errorlog-path. This seems to work correctly. But the aolserver does still not handle the domains. I think it's a probleme in the vhtemplate.tcl template file. But I am not sure what could be wrong there.

I get no errors and there are no entries in the domain specific access los.

The aolserver4.tcl (this is the main config file) executes the following comands at the end of the file:

<--- snip --->
ns_log notice "Starting to read mysql vhost config file..."
source /usr/lib/aolserver4/etc/mysql.tcl
ns_log notice "Finished reading mysql vhost config file!"
--- / snip ---

And here is the mysql.tcl:

<--- snip --->
package require mysqltcl

set vhserver "localhost"
set vhusername "www-data"
set vhpassword "secret"
set vhdbase    "myvhosts"

set dbh [mysqlconnect -host $vhserver -user $vhusername -password $vhpassword -db $vhdbase]

set res [mysqlsel $dbh "SELECT * FROM domains" -flatlist]
foreach { domain docroot suffix } $res {
    ns_log notice "Setting up $domain"
    # puts "$domain $docroot $suffix"
    source /usr/lib/aolserver4/etc/vhtemplate.tcl
    ns_log notice "DONE!"

mysqlclose $dbh
<--- / snip --->

Last but not least, here is the template file vhtemplate.tcl:

<--- snip --->
ns_param server ${domain}

ns_section "ns/server/${domain}"
ns_param directoryfile index.php,index.adp,index.html,index.htm
ns_param pageroot $docroot

# Tuning options
ns_param   connsperthread  0
ns_param   flushcontent    false
ns_param   maxconnections  100
ns_param   maxdropped      0
ns_param   maxthreads      20
ns_param   minthreads      0
ns_param   threadtimeout   120

# Limits
ns_param   maxheaders      16384
ns_param   maxline         8192
ns_param   maxpost         65536
ns_param   sendfdthreshold 2048

# Performance statistics gathering
ns_param   globalstats     true
ns_param   urlstats        true
ns_param   maxurlstats     1000

# Directory listings can be generated with an ADP or a Tcl proc.
ns_param   directoryadp    ${homedir}/dirlist.adp
ns_param   directoryproc   _ns_dirlist
ns_param   directorylisting simple

# Miscellaneous
ns_param   checkmodifiedsince true
ns_param   enableaolpress  false
ns_param   headercase      preserve

ns_section "ns/server/${domain}/fastpath"
ns_param   cache           true
ns_param   cachemaxentry   8192
ns_param   cachemaxsize    [expr 5000*1024]
ns_param   mmap            false

# Tcl interpreter
ns_section "ns/server/${domain}/tcl"
ns_param   autoclose       true
ns_param   debug           false
ns_param   nsvbuckets      8
ns_param   statlevel       0
ns_param   statmaxbuf      100
ns_param   library      ${homedir}/servers/${domain}/modules/tcl

ns_section "ns/server/${domain}/module/nslog"
ns_param file /var/log/${package}/${suffix}/access.log
ns_param logfile /var/log/${package}/${suffix}/error.log
ns_param   formattedtime   true
ns_param   logcombined     false
ns_param   maxbackup       5
ns_param   rollhour        0
ns_param   rolllog         true
ns_param   rollonsignal    true

ns_section "ns/server/${domain}/modules"
ns_param   nssock             nssock.so
ns_param   nslog              nslog.so
ns_param   php                libphp4.so

ns_section "ns/server/${domain}/module/php"
ns_param map *.php
<--- / snip --->


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