On Mon, 2005-10-17 at 12:07 -0700, Jade Rubick wrote:
> It looks like this might be a bug in ns_encrypt:
> ns_decrypt {}

Not so much a bug as "well don't do that!" thing.   I have spent the
last week re-writing the whole ns_encrypt module and will commit it to
CVS sometime this week.  It needs more thrash testing.

There are some small changed to the config, but data will be backward
compatible.  Added will be new functions to create and write key pairs.
It will handle binary strings and will optionally perform zlib
compression of the input data.  It will also compile as a tcl or
aolserver library.


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| Daniel P. Stasinski         | http://www.disabilities-r-us.com/
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AOLserver - http://www.aolserver.com/

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