Op Thu, 20 Oct 2005, schreef Nima Mazloumi:

> Dear all,
> we have problems with our aolserver installation and I was wondering if
> someone could give us some insight.
> Please find the details below.
> Any help or comment appreciated!
> Thank you very much,
> Nima Mazloumi

You should tune OpenACS, not AOLserver. OpenACS does execute really a lot 
of code for serving a page; tuning AOLserver caches etc. won't help much 
since OpenACS uses its own adp parser.

The only thing that might be interresting is the PostgreSQL configuration 
in the AOLServer config file, make sure there are enough spare connections 
available, OpenACS can use up to 3 connections to serve a page.

AOLserver is rather fast (I have a P2-266 that uses  standard ADP-pages 
and it can serve 40 of those a second), but OpenACS is very heavy, on my 
laptop (P4-1800) I can get OpenACS to serve only about 20 pages a second, 
a rather low number for AOLserver standards. 

Is the performance mode enabled? What size is the memoize cache? Does the 
master template do a lot of things?


AOLserver - http://www.aolserver.com/

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