On Wed, Apr 05, 2006 at 02:14:38PM +1000, Mark Aufflick wrote:
> Hi Andrew,
> I might have missed the context in my reply - we were discussing
> Sybase which is one of those databases missing sequence support.

Yes, you're quite correct.  My apologies for jumping in while paying
no attention to those earlier posts.

> We are a little off topic, but Bas was suggesting a reasonable way
> around the missing sequences (very reasonable compared with many other
> attempts to work around it) and I was basically bemoaning the fact
> that I have to work with such a lame database!

Looking back at Bas's original post, yeah, that is a nice way to
convert a Sybase-style identity (auto-increment) column to an
Oracle-style sequence, should you want to do that.

Btw, I don't see why Sybase "identity gaps" should be much of an
issue.  Yes, it would be mildly annoying for an identity column value
to suddenly skip from 10031 to 5000002 or something, as sometimes
those values are human visible, but if an application breaks because
of that it's a serious bug in the application, not in the RDBMS.


Oracle and PostgreSQL can in principle show the exact same sort of
huge gaps in their sequence numbers, they just don't usually.

Andrew Piskorski <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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