Note that I do have loaded (and before Here is my config:

set httpport               8000
set httpsport              8443

# The hostname and address should be set to actual values.
set hostname               [ns_info hostname]
set address                [ns_info address]

set servername             "server1"
set serverdesc             "Server Name"

set homedir                [file dirname [ns_info config]]
set bindir                 [file dirname [ns_info nsd]]

set pageroot               ${homedir}/servers/${servername}/pages
set directoryfile          index.adp,index.html,index.htm,index.xhtml,index.xht

# nsssl: Only loads if keyfile.pem and certfile.pem exist.
#set sslmodule      ;# Domestic 128-bit/1024-bit SSL.
set sslmodule     ;# Exportable 40-bit/512-bit SSL.
set sslkeyfile   ${homedir}/servers/${servername}/modules/nsssl/keyfile.pem
set sslcertfile  ${homedir}/servers/${servername}/modules/nsssl/certfile.pem

set db_name               $servername
   set db_host               localhost
   set db_port               ""
   set db_user               $servername

# Global server parameters
ns_section "ns/parameters"
ns_param   home            $homedir
ns_param   debug           false

#         I18N Parameters
#ns_param HackContentType false       ;# automatic adjustment of response
                                      # content-type header to include charset
                                      # This defaults to True.
ns_param  OutputCharset  iso8859-1    ;# Default output charset.  When
none specified,
                                      # no character encoding of
output is performed.
ns_param  URLCharset     iso8859-1    ;# Default Charset for Url Encode/Decode.
                                      # When none specified, no
character set encoding
                                      # is performed.
#ns_param  PreferredCharsets { utf-8 iso8859-1 } ;# This parameter
supports output
                                      # encoding arbitration.

# MIME types.
#  Note: AOLserver already has an exhaustive list of MIME types, but in
#  case something is missing you can add it here.
ns_section "ns/mimetypes"
ns_param   default         "*/*"     ;# MIME type for unknown extension.
ns_param   noextension     "*/*"     ;# MIME type for missing extension.
#ns_param   ".xls"          "application/"

#   I18N Mime-types; define content-type header values
#                    to be mapped from these file-types.
#                    Note that you can map file-types of adp files to control
#                    the output encoding through mime-type specificaion.
#                    Remember to add an adp mapping for that extension.
ns_param   .adp            "text/html; charset=iso-8859-1"
ns_param   .u_adp          "text/html; charset=UTF-8"
ns_param   .gb_adp         "text/html; charset=GB2312"
ns_param   .sjis_html      "text/html; charset=shift_jis"
ns_param   .sjis_adp       "text/html; charset=shift_jis"
ns_param   .gb_html        "text/html; charset=GB2312"

#   I18N File-type to Encoding mappings
ns_section "ns/encodings"
ns_param   .utf_html       "utf-8"
ns_param   .sjis_html      "shiftjis"
ns_param   .gb_html        "gb2312"
ns_param   .big5_html      "big5"
ns_param   .euc-cn_html    "euc-cn"
# Note: you will need to include file-type to encoding mappings
#       for ANY source files that are to be used, to allow the
#       server to handle them properly.  E.g., the following
#       asserts that the GB-producing .adp files are themselves
#       encoded in GB2312 (this is not simply assumed).
ns_param   .gb_adp         "gb2312"

# Thread library (nsthread) parameters
ns_section "ns/threads"
#ns_param   stacksize [expr 128*1024] ;# Per-thread stack size.

# Server-level configuration
#  There is only one server in AOLserver, but this is helpful when multiple
#  servers share the same configuration file.  This file assumes that only
#  one server is in use so it is set at the top in the "server" Tcl variable.
#  Other host-specific values are set up above as Tcl variables, too.

ns_section "ns/servers"
ns_param   $servername     $serverdesc

# Server parameters
ns_section "ns/server/${servername}"
ns_param   directoryfile   $directoryfile
ns_param   pageroot        $pageroot
ns_param   enabletclpages  false     ;# Parse *.tcl files in pageroot.
#         Server-level I18N Parameters can be specified here, to override
#         the global ones for this server.  These are:
#              HackContentType
#              OutputCharset
#              URLCharset
#         See the global parameter I18N section for a description of these.

# Scaling and Tuning Options
#  Note: These values aren't necessarily the defaults.
#ns_param   connsperthread  0         ;# Normally there's one conn per thread
#ns_param   flushcontent    false     ;# Flush all data before returning
#ns_param   maxconnections  100       ;# Max connections to put on queue
#ns_param   maxdropped      0         ;# Shut down if dropping too many conns
#ns_param   maxthreads      20        ;# Tune this to scale your server
#ns_param   minthreads      0         ;# Tune this to scale your server
#ns_param   threadtimeout   120       ;# Idle threads die at this rate

# ADP (AOLserver Dynamic Page) configuration
ns_section "ns/server/${servername}/adp"
ns_param   map             "/*.adp"  ;# Extensions to parse as ADP's.
#   I18N Note: will need to define I18N specifying mappings of ADP's
here as well.
ns_param   map             "/*.u_adp"
ns_param   map             "/*.gb_adp"
ns_param   map             "/*.sjis_adp"
#ns_param   map             "/*.html" ;# Any extension can be mapped.
ns_param   enableexpire    false     ;# Set "Expires: now" on all ADP's.
ns_param   enabledebug     false     ;# Allow Tclpro debugging with "?debug".

# ADP special pages
#ns_param   errorpage      ${pageroot}/errorpage.adp ;# ADP error page.

# Socket driver module (HTTP)  -- nssock
ns_section "ns/server/${servername}/module/nssock"
ns_param   port            $httpport
ns_param   hostname        $hostname
ns_param   address         $address

                                        # Socket driver logging controls.
                                        # Default is no logging.
#ns_param   readtimeoutlogging    true  ;# Timed-out waiting for complete
                                        # request.
#ns_param   serverrejectlogging   true  ;# Unable to match request to a virtual
                                        # server.
#ns_param   sockerrorlogging      true  ;# Malformed request, or would exceed
                                        # request limits.
#ns_param   sockshuterrorlogging  true  ;# Error while attempting to shutdown
                                        # a socket during connection close.

# Socket driver module (HTTPS) -- nsssl
#  nsssl does not load unless sslkeyfile/sslcertfile exist (above).
ns_section "ns/server/${servername}/module/nsssl"
ns_param   port            $httpsport
ns_param   hostname        $hostname
ns_param   address         $address
ns_param   keyfile         $sslkeyfile
ns_param   certfile        $sslcertfile

                                        # Socket driver logging controls.
                                        # Default is no logging.
#ns_param   readtimeoutlogging    true  ;# Timed-out waiting for complete
                                        # request.
#ns_param   serverrejectlogging   true  ;# Unable to match request to a virtual
                                        # server.
#ns_param   sockerrorlogging      true  ;# Malformed request, or would exceed
                                        # request limits.
#ns_param   sockshuterrorlogging  true  ;# Error while attempting to shutdown
                                        # a socket during connection close.

# Fast Path --
#     Fast path configuration is used to configure options used for serving
#     static content, and also provides options to automatically display
#     directory listings.
# Parameters:
#     cache               Boolean. Enable cache for normal URLs.
#                         Optional, default is false.
#     cachemaxsize        Integer. Size of fast path cache.
#                         Optional, default is 5120000.
#     cachemaxentry       Integer. Largest file size allowed in cache.
#                         Optional, default is cachemaxsize / 10.
#     mmap                Boolean. Use mmap() for cache.
#                         Optional, default is false.
#     directoryfile       String. Directory index/default page to
#                         look for. Optional, default is directoryfile
#                         parameter set in ns/server/${servername} section.
#     directorylisting    String. Directory listing style. Optional,
#                         Can be "fancy" or "simple".
#     directoryproc       String. Name of Tcl proc to use to display
#                         directory listings. Optional, default is to use
#                         _ns_dirlist. You can either specify directoryproc,
#                         or directoryadp - not both.
#     directoryadp        String. Name of ADP page to use to display
#                         directory listings. Optional. You can either
#                         specify directoryadp or directoryproc - not both.
# Example:
#    ns_section "ns/server/${servername}/fastpath"
#        ns_param directorylisting fancy
# See also:
#     /aolserver/nsd/fastpath.c
#     /aolserver/tcl/fastpath.tcl

# Access log -- nslog
ns_section "ns/server/${servername}/module/nslog"
ns_param   rolllog         true      ;# Should we roll log?
ns_param   rollonsignal    true      ;# Roll log on SIGHUP.
ns_param   rollhour        0         ;# Time to roll log.
ns_param   maxbackup       5         ;# Max number to keep around when rolling.
ns_param   logreqtime      true      ;# Log the execution time of request

# CGI interface -- nscgi
#  WARNING: These directories must not live under pageroot.
ns_section "ns/server/${servername}/module/nscgi"
#ns_param   map "GET  /cgi /usr/local/cgi"     ;# CGI script file dir (GET).
#ns_param   map "POST /cgi /usr/local/cgi"     ;# CGI script file dir (POST).

# Modules to load

ns_section "ns/server/${servername}/modules"
   ns_param nssock ${bindir}/
   ns_param nslog ${bindir}/
   #ns_param nscgi ${bindir}/
   #ns_param nsperm ${bindir}/
   ns_param   nsdb               ${bindir}/
   ns_param   nsjava          ${bindir}/

# nsssl: Only loads if sslcertfile and sslkeyfile exist (see above).
if { [file exists $sslcertfile] && [file exists $sslkeyfile] } {
   ns_param nsssl ${bindir}/${sslmodule}
} else {
   ns_log warning "config.tcl: nsssl not loaded -- key/cert files do
not exist."

ns_section "ns/db/drivers"
   ns_param   postgres       ${bindir}/

ns_section "ns/server/${servername}/module/nsjava"
       ns_param   EnableJava          "on"   ;# Set to on to enable nsjava.
       ns_param   VerboseJvm          "off"  ;# Same as command line -debug.
       ns_param   LogLevel            "Notice"
       ns_param   DestroyJvm          "on"   ;# Destroy jvm on shutdown.
       ns_param   DisableJITCompiler  "off"
       ns_param   ClassPath

On 6/16/06, Mark Aufflick <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Has anyone done this? I couldn't get it to compile under OSX, but on
an oldish linux box with JDK 1.4 it compiles and installs fine, but I
get the following error when nsd tries to load the module:

Warning: modload: could not load
/usr/local/aolserver40r10/bin/ undefined symbol:

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