On 2007.10.01, Francesco P. Lovergine <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Why not adding the current list to gmane? It has a nice searching
> feature.

The AOLserver list was imported into Gmane a long time ago:


On 2007.10.01, Tom Jackson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Sounds like a good idea. So if someone responds in the google groups
> interface it gets sent via the AOLserver listserv?

This is my understanding of how it should work, yes.

> What form are the archives in?

At Google Groups?  I'm not sure.

> Is a text dump possible or how does it work?

Searching the Google Groups Help Center, I can't find anything on how to
export a Google Groups archive.  I suspect the easiest way will be to
subscribe an archive address to the Google Group that logs everything in
mbox or Maildir format will be the easiest way of accomplishing this.

-- Dossy

> On Monday 01 October 2007 07:39, Dossy Shiobara wrote:
> > Hi,
> >
> > A new Google Group has been created for the AOLserver project:
> >
> >     http://groups.google.com/group/aolserver
> >
> > I've set it up to collect messages from the AOLSERVER LISTSERV.  For
> > now, both the Google Group and this mailing list are connected to each
> > other.
> >
> > For now, Google has no means of importing older mailing list archives,
> > but I might sit down and write a script to crawl the old archive and
> > send those messages along to Google Groups to populate the archive
> > there.
> >
> > If you'd prefer to access the mailing list (and in the future, its full
> > archives) via the Google Groups interface, go right ahead.
> >
> > Also, CVS commit messages will be mirrored into the "aolserver-commits"
> > Google Group:
> >
> >     http://groups.google.com/group/aolserver-commits
> >
> > Hopefully these new Google Groups will be useful for some of you.
> >
> > -- Dossy

Dossy Shiobara              | [EMAIL PROTECTED] | http://dossy.org/
Panoptic Computer Network   | http://panoptic.com/
  "He realized the fastest way to change is to laugh at your own
    folly -- then you can let go and quickly move on." (p. 70)

AOLserver - http://www.aolserver.com/

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