Dossy Shiobara schrieb:
On 2008.03.04, Michael Andrews <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
OK - I'll take a look tonight. I think that a 0 as the threadtimeout value use to mean "no timeout". I guess I'll need to look at the C to see what the changes were.

Is this file even needed anymore?

IMHO, the semantics around timeouts should ALWAYS be:

  <= -1 == infinite
      0 == immediate
  >=  1 == n units
this value is used in queue.c, where incoming connections
are enqueued. Not sure, if 0 is desirable (busy server, when
nothing arrives) or -1 (block would make shutdown more

If i remember correct, my check was done in consistency with
socktimeout, which is checked as well for n<1

   if (!Ns_ConfigGetInt(path, "socktimeout", &n) || n < 1) {
   n = 30;        /* 30 seconds. */

For implementing -1 for infinite - if desired - more changes
would be needed, since the value is used in Ns_IncrTime() which
is agnostic for the timeout value semantics mentioned above.

Not checking the input values (as it was before) is not
a good idea either, since these values will break the server.

best regards
-gustaf neumann

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