
Here are the steps to replicate the problem

1. you need a table with some multibyte characters in it.

You can do this either by

   1.1.1 create table multibytetest (value nvarchar(200))

   1.1.2 Pasting some Chinese characters via SQL Server Management Studio 

OR using the attached java file (you will need SQL Server JDBC driver available 

   1.2.1 Copy the attached

   1.2.2 javac -classpath .

   1.2.3 java -classpath ".;sqljdbc.jar" InsertMultiByte <SQLServerHost> 
<SQLServerPort> <DatabaseName> <username> <password>

3. Copy the attached multibytetest.adp1 as multibytetest.adp into your 
aolserver adp directory. Ensure the mime type for adp configuration ,if 
configured , is set to

ns_section "ns/mimetypes"

ns_param   default         "*/*"     ;# MIME type for unknown extension.

ns_param   noextension     "*/*"     ;# MIME type for missing extension.

ns_param   ".adp"          "text/html; charset=utf-8"

4. Ensure the ns_db driver is configured to point to SQL server

3. Execute the attached adp .It is a simple adp which fires the SELECT value 
from multibytetest  SQL and prints the last record.

Expected result is for this adp to print the Chinese characters

Actual result is it prints ? in place of chinese characters

You can wireshark to sniff the packet between AOLServer and SQLServer to see 
the 2 login requests being made with the 2nd request not setting the COLLATION 
header. I suspect it to be the culprit.


-- Rajesh Nair

-----Original Message-----
From: Dossy Shiobara [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, April 17, 2008 2:26 AM
Cc: Rajesh Nair
Subject: Re: [AOLSERVER] [ns_db and multibyte support]

On 2008.04.16, Dossy Shiobara <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> I'll be fixing nsfreetds with the FreeTDS 0.64 version, then once we

> agree everything "works" as expected, I'll try rolling forward to

> FreeTDS 0.82.


> Rajesh, thanks for your interest.

Okay, after a bit of fixing up, I've gotten my local copy of nsfreetds

working with FreeTDS 0.64, again.  My very casual test (the

nsfreetds.adp in nsfreetds CVS) looks like this:


    SELECT  db_name() dbname,

            user_name() username,

            @@servername server,

            @@version version,

            getdate() now,

            convert(varchar(26), getdate(), 9) nowhey,

            convert(varchar(8), getdate(), 1) nowtoo,

            convert(datetime, '12/31/1999') nowthen,

            convert(money, '$10.52') cha_ching,

            convert(numeric, '8675309') jenny_jenny,

            convert(real, '123.456') get_real,

            convert(text, 'this is some text') some_text,

            convert(integer, '1234567890') an_integer,

            convert(datetime, null) datetime_null,

            convert(integer, null) integer_null,

            convert(real, null) real_null,

            convert(numeric, null) numeric_null,

            convert(money, null) money_null,

            convert(varchar(10), null) varchar_null,

            convert(text, null) text_null


    Row 1 ...

    Column 1: dbname = master

    Column 2: username = dbo

    Column 3: server = HAPPY-WIN2K3

    Column 4: version = Microsoft SQL Server 2005 - 9.00.1399.06 (Intel X86)

        Oct 14 2005 00:33:37

        Copyright (c) 1988-2005 Microsoft Corporation

        Developer Edition on Windows NT 5.2 (Build 3790: Service Pack 2)

    Column 5: now = Apr 16 2008 04:07PM

    Column 6: nowhey = Apr 16 2008  4:07:41:773PM

    Column 7: nowtoo = 04/16/08

    Column 8: nowthen = Dec 31 1999 12:00AM

    Column 9: cha_ching = 10.52

    Column 10: jenny_jenny = 8675309

    Column 11: get_real = 123.456

    Column 12: some_text = this is some text

    Column 13: an_integer = 1234567890

    Column 14: datetime_null =

    Column 15: integer_null =

    Column 16: real_null =

    Column 17: numeric_null =

    Column 18: money_null =

    Column 19: varchar_null =

    Column 20: text_null =

    Rows affected: 1


Rajesh, could you help me create a minimal test case to reproduce what

you've observed so I can test potential fixes here?


Dossy Shiobara              | [EMAIL PROTECTED] |

Panoptic Computer Network   |

  "He realized the fastest way to change is to laugh at your own

    folly -- then you can let go and quickly move on." (p. 70)

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Attachment: multibytetest.adp1
Description: multibytetest.adp1

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