You should post your actual config settings (minus any passwords)
instead of the code which produces your config.

Add this to the end of your main config file to print out the results:

set configDebug 1

if {[info exists configDebug] && $configDebug} {

    set sections [ns_configsections]

    set output [list]

    foreach section $sections {
        set name [ns_set name $section]
        set section_txt ""
        append section_txt "ns_section $name\n"

        set size [ns_set size $section]
        for {set i 0} {$i < $size} {incr i} {
            append section_txt "\t[list ns_param [ns_set key $section $i]
[ns_set value $section $i]]\n"
        lappend output $section_txt

    set output "[join [lsort $output] "\n"]\n"
    puts "\n$output\n"

This should print out your config to your error file, after a restart,
before any other log messages for the restart.

Post the result here.

tom jackson

On Thu, 2008-07-10 at 08:30 -0300, Eduardo Santos - Novo telefone:
8148-6611 wrote:
> No help on that?
> 2008/7/7, Eduardo Santos <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
>         Hi everibody,
>         I'm trying to make mediawiki work on AOLServer 4.5.0 +
>         PostgreSQL 8.1
>         and I'm facing some problems I didn't expect. I've managed to
>         configure
>         the connection Ok, but everytime I try to access the Start
>         Page i see
>         this error in my log:
>         [07/Jul/2008:10:33:55][29593.3062295472][-conn:0-] Error:
>         fastpath:
>         stat(/var/lib/aolserver/mediawiki/index.php/Página_principal)
>         failed:
>         Not a
>           directory
>         [07/Jul/2008:10:33:58][29593.3062295472][-conn:0-] Error:
>         fastpath:
>         stat(/var/lib/aolserver/mediawiki/index.php/Página_principal)
>         failed:
>         Not a
>           directory
>         Can somebody help me on that? This is my configuration file:
>         #---------------------------------------------------------------------
>         # change to 80 and 443 for production use
>         set httpport                  8004
>         set httpsport                 443
>         # If setting port below 1024 with AOLServer 4, read comments
>         in file:
>         #  /var/lib/aolserver/service0/packages/etc/daemontools/run
>         # The hostname and address should be set to actual values.
>         # setting the address to means aolserver listens on
>         all
>         interfaces
>         set hostname                  [ns_info hostname]
>         #set address                   [ns_info address]
>         set address         
>         # Note: If port is privileged (usually < 1024), OpenACS must
>         be
>         # started by root, and, in AOLserver 4, the run script have a
>         # '-b address' flag which matches the address according to
>         settings
>         (above)
>         set server                    "mediawiki"
>         set servername                "Wiki do laboratório de Cluster"
>         set serverroot                "/var/lib/aolserver/${server}"
>         #---------------------------------------------------------------------
>         # if debug is false, all debugging will be turned off
>         set debug false
>         set homedir                   /usr/local/aolserver
>         set bindir                    [file dirname [ns_info nsd]]
>         set max_file_upload_mb        60
>         set max_file_upload_min       10
>         ######################################################################
>         #
>         # End of instance-specific settings
>         #
>         # Nothing below this point need be changed in a default
>         install.
>         #
>         ######################################################################
>         set home [file dirname [ns_info config]]
>         set pageRoot ${serverroot}
>         ns_section "ns/parameters"
>             ns_param    serverlog
>         ${serverroot}/log/error.log
>             ns_param    logroll             on
>             ns_param    home                $homedir
>             ns_param    logdebug            true
>             # setting to Unicode by default
>             # see
>             ns_param    HackContentType     1
>             ns_param    DefaultCharset      utf-8
>             ns_param    HttpOpenCharset     utf-8
>             ns_param    OutputCharset       utf-8
>             ns_param    URLCharset          utf-8
>         ns_section "ns/mimetypes"
>             #  Note: AOLserver already has an exhaustive list of MIME
>         types:
>             #
>         see: /usr/local/src/aolserver-4.{version}/aolserver/nsd/mimetypes.c
>             #  but in case something is missing you can add it here.
>             #ns_param default "*/*"
>             #ns_param .adp "text/html; charset=iso-8859-1"
>             ns_param   Default            text/plain
>             ns_param   NoExtension        text/plain
>             ns_param   .pcd               image/x-photo-cd
>             ns_param   .prc               application/x-pilot
>             ns_param   .xls               application/
>             ns_param   .doc               application/
>         ns_section "ns/threads"
>             ns_param   mutexmeter         true      ;# measure lock
>         contention
>             # The per-thread stack size must be a multiple of 8k for
>         AOLServer
>         to run under MacOS X
>             ns_param   stacksize          [expr 1 * 8192 * 256]
>         ns_section "ns/servers"
>             ns_param   $server            $servername
>         ns_section ns/server/${server}
>             ns_param    directoryfile
>         "index.htm,index.html,index.adp,index.php"
>             ns_param    pageroot            $pageRoot
>             ns_param    maxthreads          20
>             ns_param    minthreads          5
>             ns_param    maxconns            100
>             ns_param    urlcharset          "utf-8"
>             ns_param    outputcharset       "utf-8"
>             ns_param    inputcharset        "utf-8"
>         ns_section ns/server/${server}/adp
>             ns_param    map                 "/*.adp"
>         #
>         # PHP
>         #
>         ns_section ns/server/${server}/module/php
>             ns_param    map                 "/*.php"
>         ns_section ns/server/${server}/modules
>             ns_param   nssock             ${bindir}/
>             ns_param   nslog              ${bindir}/
>             ns_param   nssha1             ${bindir}/
>             ns_param   nscache            ${bindir}/
>             ns_param   php                ${bindir}/
>             ns_param   nsdb               ${bindir}/
>         ns_section ns/server/${server}/module/nssock
>             ns_param   timeout            120
>             ns_param   address            $address
>             ns_param   hostname           $hostname
>             ns_param   port               $httpport
>             # setting maxinput higher than practical may leave the
>         server
>         vulnerable to resource DoS attacks
>             # see
>             ns_param   maxinput           [expr $max_file_upload_mb *
>         1024 *
>         1024] ; #Maximum File Size for uploads in bytes
>             ns_param   maxpost            [expr $max_file_upload_mb *
>         1024 *
>         1024] ; #Maximum File Size for uploads in bytes
>             ns_param   recvwait           [expr $max_file_upload_min *
>         60] ;#
>         Maximum request time in minutes
>         #---------------------------------------------------------------------
>         #
>         # Access log -- nslog
>         #
>         #---------------------------------------------------------------------
>         ns_section ns/server/${server}/module/nslog
>             ns_param   debug              false
>             ns_param   dev                false
>             ns_param   enablehostnamelookup false
>             ns_param   file
>         ${serverroot}/log/${server}.log
>             ns_param   logcombined        true
>             ns_param   extendedheaders    X-User-Id
>         #    ns_param   logrefer           false
>         #    ns_param   loguseragent       false
>         #    ns_param   logreqtime         true
>             ns_param   maxbackup          1000
>             ns_param   rollday            *
>             ns_param   rollfmt            %Y-%m-%d-%H:%M
>             ns_param   rollhour           0
>             ns_param   rollonsignal       true
>             ns_param   rolllog            true
> --
> AOLserver -
> To Remove yourself from this list, simply send an email to <[EMAIL 
> PROTECTED]> with the
> body of "SIGNOFF AOLSERVER" in the email message. You can leave the Subject: 
> field of your email blank.

AOLserver -

To Remove yourself from this list, simply send an email to <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
with the
body of "SIGNOFF AOLSERVER" in the email message. You can leave the Subject: 
field of your email blank.

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