russell muetzelfeldt wrote:
On 19/08/2008, at 9:37 AM, Tom Jackson wrote:
On Mon, 2008-08-18 at 15:38 -0700, Jeff Rogers wrote:
While I'd agree this is a bug in fastpath, the real problem is that
fastpath is being used at all in this case.

I don't think it is a bug in fastpath.

fastpath is making assumptions about what means something is the "same file", and those assumptions are not consistent with unix filesystem semantics - how is this not a bug?

It's not a bug because no one ever said that it *was* strictly following unix filesystem semantics, which isn't even a single thing (ufs is slightly different than nfs, is slightly different than ext2 -noatime, is slightly different than afs, etc.) It is following a particular definition: if the file still exists and has the same dev/inode/mtime/size as it did when you last checked, then it is the same file. This of it as a if-modified-since or if-none-match conditional GET.

It is a bug in that it's not what you expect. However in that case, the location of the bug is subject to debate.


sure, the original use case that triggered this seems non-optimal, and could be done in other ways that don't trigger the bug, but that doesn't mean fastpath is behaving correctly...


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