If you're running nsd 4.5, nsproxy should help insulate your nsd process from whatever's happening with scanimage...

This command provides a simple, robust proxy mechanism to evaluate
Tcl scripts in a separate, pipe-connected process.  This approach
can be useful both to isolate potentially thread-unsafe code outside
the address space of a multithreaded process such as AOLserver or
to enable separation and timeout of potentially misbehaving, long
running scripts.

On 04/12/2008, at 11:23 AM, Ian Harding wrote:

This is kind of odd

% catch [exec scanimage] foo

When I exec scanimage from inside AOLServer, it goes ahead and shuts
down the server.  I figured out that it happens when the scanner is
on, and ready, but does not have a document in the ADF.

From the command line it looks like this

$ scanimage
scanimage: sane_start: Document feeder out of documents
scanimage: Received signal 15
scanimage: Trying to stop scanner
scanimage: Received signal 15
scanimage: Aborting

There may be a "status" of some kind I can check from SANE without
crashing before I try scanning but I haven't found it yet.

Is there any way to prevent this from killing my server in the
meantime or is "catch" the biggest gun I have for that?


- Ian

AOLserver - http://www.aolserver.com/

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