Alexey Pechnikov schrieb:
My operation system is debian lenny.
Indeed, very strange.

To pin down the problem, compile the progam below and check
the output. It should show the same bug on your system.

I don't have a lenny system around to test, but at least in Ubuntu
8.0.4, everything works as expected.

I don't see, how the locale settings can influence the %d formatting
of stftime. But anyhow, it might be worth to check the output of

locale -k ru_RU.UTF-8 LC_TIME

on your system

hope, we are getting closer
-gustaf neumann

================== time-format.c
#include <time.h>
#include <stdio.h>

int main() {
   time_t     clock = 0;
   struct tm  time, *tmPtr=&time;
   char       buf[40];

   tmPtr = gmtime_r(&clock,tmPtr);
   strftime(buf, 40, "%a, %d %b %Y %H:%M:%S GMT", tmPtr);

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