Janine Sisk schrieb:

When I first started working on this problem, the settings were

ns_param   maxconnections     5
ns_param   maxthreads         5
ns_param   minthreads         5
maxconnections of 5 is for most applications to small. The term
"maxconnections" is misleading since it does not mean "maximum
number of incoming connections", but is a counter per thread, when
it will shut down. With the value above, every thread will exit
and be recreated after 5 requests. If the application is well written,
no garbage should be left after the request, therefore the value can
be set to e.g. 1000.

I changed minthreads to 0, which dramatically sped up server restart time, and increased connections/threads first to 50/10 and then 100/20. I didn't see much of an increase in the last change so I left it there.
when start with minthreads 5 takes long, you seem to have quite a slow machine.
Do you have some usage figures, how many concurrent users you have to serve?
By concurrent, i mean running requests at the same time.

You can as well increase the threadtimeout to reduce the number of thread restarts

ns_param   threadtimeout      120

regarding the pools:

I would recommend to comment out the "maxidle" and "maxopen"
values (were needed for old aolserver versions) and - more important -
to reduce the number of connections. When you have maxthreads
at a low value (e.g. 20), you should not need more than e.g. 20
connections for the first two pools.

ns_section ns/db/pool/pool1
ns_param   maxidle            1000000000
ns_param   maxopen            1000000000
ns_param   connections        300
ns_param   verbose            $debug
maybe the 600+ connections you have makes things slower than

best regards
-gustaf neumann

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