>Number:         2522
>Category:       mod_log-any
>Synopsis:       logs over filled with the same msg
>Confidential:   no
>Severity:       non-critical
>Priority:       medium
>Responsible:    apache
>State:          open
>Class:          change-request
>Submitter-Id:   apache
>Arrival-Date:   Sun Jun 28 21:10:00 PDT 1998
>Originator:     [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>Release:        1.2.5 SSL0.8.1
OS/2, v4, fp6, current SSL distribution
ApacheSSL-OS2-intl/1.2.5 SSLeay/0.8.1
Apache-SSL-OS2 (intl) 1.2.5 port by Antony T Curtis <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Original Apache for OS/2 port by Garey Smiley <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Howerver, request applies to all versions.
refer PR 2217 (and others)
There are several problems where user's logs files have filled up for various
reasons, it would be a good thing if this could be avoided.  

(I know, there are various workarounds that can be implemented when a problem, 
usually a config problem, is indentified).  But it would avoid a number of 
servers needlessly failing.  (FWIW I am regularly suffering such symptoms in 
my test environment, but I believe it is a problem with a my config, so I'll 
do more testing before posting my problem about the following message which 
is only stoppable through a reinit.cmd)
[Sun Jun 28 00:03:59 1998] select: (listen): Socket operation on non-socket

When an item is written to an error log, the last and 2nd last written entry 
should be checked.
If this error is the same, a 'special' entry should be written, saying last msg 
repeated n times.
This line could then be updated everytime the message is immediately repeated.
Such an entry would stop logs from over-flowing with the same message looped.
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