>Number:         4271
>Category:       other
>Synopsis:       wrong number of bytes copied in read_connection() in 
>Confidential:   no
>Severity:       non-critical
>Priority:       medium
>Responsible:    apache
>State:          open
>Class:          sw-bug
>Submitter-Id:   apache
>Arrival-Date:   Mon Apr 19 07:20:01 PDT 1999
>Originator:     [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>Release:        1.3
instead of using 'space' for the number of bytes to copy in the
calls to memcpy(), use 'tocopy'.

*** ab.c        Mon Apr  5 15:12:52 1999
--- ab.c.new    Mon Apr 19 09:59:31 1999
*** 627,639 ****
        int l = 4;
        int space = CBUFFSIZE - c->cbx - 1;     /* -1 to allow for 0
                                                 * terminator */
        int tocopy = (space < r) ? space : r;
!       memcpy(c->cbuff + c->cbx, buffer, space);
  #else                         /* CHARSET_EBCDIC */
!       ascii2ebcdic(c->cbuff + c->cbx, buffer, space);
  #endif                                /* CHARSET_EBCDIC */
        c->cbx += tocopy;
        space -= tocopy;
        c->cbuff[c->cbx] = 0;   /* terminate for benefit of strstr */
        if (verbosity >= 4) {
--- 627,639 ----
        int l = 4;
        int space = CBUFFSIZE - c->cbx - 1;     /* -1 to allow for 0
                                                 * terminator */
        int tocopy = (space < r) ? space : r;
!       memcpy(c->cbuff + c->cbx, buffer, tocopy);
  #else                         /* CHARSET_EBCDIC */
!       ascii2ebcdic(c->cbuff + c->cbx, buffer, tocopy);
  #endif                                /* CHARSET_EBCDIC */
        c->cbx += tocopy;
        space -= tocopy;
        c->cbuff[c->cbx] = 0;   /* terminate for benefit of strstr */
        if (verbosity >= 4) {
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