[In order for any reply to be added to the PR database, ]
[you need to include <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> in the Cc line ]
[and leave the subject line UNCHANGED.  This is not done]
[automatically because of the potential for mail loops. ]
[If you do not include this Cc, your reply may be ig-   ]
[nored unless you are responding to an explicit request ]
[from a developer.                                      ]
[Reply only with text; DO NOT SEND ATTACHMENTS!         ]

Synopsis: Did not get to the mod_include with parsed html files (.shtml)

State-Changed-From-To: open-closed
State-Changed-By: dgaudet
State-Changed-When: Tue Apr 20 15:50:48 PDT 1999
Well you also need to add Includes to the Options directive...
But it sounds like it may be something specific to your port,
and I'm not really sure what to say.  Have you tried porting
1.3.x yet?


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