  Subsequent to first message I uninstalled Apache from e:\ and
reinstalled to the default
settings on c:\.  This was successful and Apache started OK.  However,
it will not shut-
down gracefully (using "apache -k shutdown").  I have to use Ctrl-C to
stop it - am I
missing something in the instructions?  Also, I'm curious as to why the
default files were
missing in the first install to e:\Apache .
Thanks for the reply,
Mo Welch


> Thank you very much for your problem report.
> It has the internal identification `general/3899'.
> The individual assigned to look at your
> report is: apache.
> >Category:       general
> >Responsible:    apache
> >Synopsis:       Apache-1.3.4 fails to start up.
> >Arrival-Date:   Sat Feb 13 16:40:00 PST 1999

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