>Number:         3913
>Category:       os-aix
>Synopsis:       Syntax Error in httpd.conf: Expected </Directory> but saw 
>Confidential:   no
>Severity:       serious
>Priority:       medium
>Responsible:    apache
>State:          open
>Class:          sw-bug
>Submitter-Id:   apache
>Arrival-Date:   Wed Feb 17 18:50:01 PST 1999
>Originator:     [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>Release:        1.3.*
AIX 4.3.2 OS, C for AIX Compiler 4.4
After compiling and installing 1.3.*, httpd fails to start with the following 
"Syntax error on line 285 of /apache/conf/httpd.conf:
Expected </Directory> but saw </Directory>"

This is a known problem due to a bug in the C for AIX compiler. Check PR 2312, 
2534, 2664, 2853, and 3042 for more details. However, it was mentioned in PR 
2312 that the PTF or fix to resolve it would be out only in Apr 99 for C for 
AIX 4.4 by IBM.

What I can suggest here is a solution for those who cannot wait till Apr 99 or 
are using an older version of C for AIX.

Yes, but you need to do a few things:

First, edit the http_core.c file. Made the following changes to the 
end_nested_section() function as follow:
static const char *end_nested_section(cmd_parms *cmd, void *dummy)
    int answercode=123;

    if (cmd->end_token == NULL) {
        return ap_pstrcat(cmd->pool, cmd->cmd->name,
                          " without matching <", cmd->cmd->name + 2,
                          " section", NULL);
     * This '!=' may look weird on a string comparison, but it's correct --
     * it's been set up so that checking for two pointers to the same datum
     * is valid here.  And faster.

    /* Modification by Teo Chee Keong to work with AIX 4.3.2 and
       C for AIX compiler 4.4
       Date Modified: 12/02/99

    /* if (cmd->cmd->name != cmd->end_token) {  <-- replaced by line below */

    if(strcmp(cmd->cmd->name,cmd->end_token)) {
        return ap_pstrcat(cmd->pool, "Expected ", cmd->end_token, " but saw ",
                          cmd->cmd->name, NULL);
    return cmd->end_token;
The above amendment uses the traditional string comparsion routine (which is 
slower)  instead of the so-called "weird" "!=" operator. Remember to include 
strings.h in the beginning of the file. This would only made Apache server 
slower when reading configuration files and should not affect run-time 

Next, you may also need to modify function ap_md5() in util_md5.c as the C for 
AIX compiler may be quite strict on implicit data type conversion. The 
amendment below does this:
API_EXPORT(char *) ap_md5(pool *p, const unsigned char *string)
    /* Modification by Teo Chee Keong for AIX 4.3.2 and C for AIX Compiler 4.4
       Date modified: 12/02/99
       Modified due to stricter checking by C for AIX compiler on data types
    const char *ckteo;            /* declare tmp variable        */
    ckteo=(const char *)string;   /* forced data type conversion */
    return ap_md5_binary(p, string, strlen(ckteo));

Lastly, recompile again ,ie, run make again. I have tried this method on my 
machine and it works.
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