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Synopsis: proxy server behaves incorrectly on http://proxy:port/

State-Changed-From-To: open-feedback
State-Changed-By: lars
State-Changed-When: Sat Feb 20 17:23:35 PST 1999
[This is a standard response.]
This Apache problem report has not been updated recently.
Please reply to this message if you have any additional
information about this issue, or if you have answers to
any questions that have been posed to you.  If there are
no outstanding questions, please consider this a request
to try to reproduce the problem with the latest software
release, if one has been made since last contact.  If we
don't hear from you, this report will be closed.
If you have information to add, BE SURE to reply to this
message and include the [EMAIL PROTECTED] address so it
will be attached to the problem report!

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