>Number: 3978 >Category: config >Synopsis: DocumentRoot directive does not interpret ~user directories >correctly. >Confidential: no >Severity: non-critical >Priority: medium >Responsible: apache >State: open >Class: sw-bug >Submitter-Id: apache >Arrival-Date: Sun Feb 28 17:30:00 PST 1999 >Last-Modified: >Originator: [EMAIL PROTECTED] >Organization: apache >Release: 1.3.3 >Environment: Linux shaggy 2.0.35 #3 Wed Jan 20 21:59:25 EST 1999 i686 unknown >Description: A DocumentRoot containing a ~user mnemonic doesnt work, I get:
Warning: DocumentRoot [~test/company] does not exist >How-To-Repeat: adduser (test) mkdir /home/test/company throw a simple index.html into /home/test/company Apache Configuration: <VirtualHost www.comapany.com> ServerName www.company.com DocumentRoot ~test/company </VirtualHost> apache configtest >Fix: nope >Audit-Trail: >Unformatted: [In order for any reply to be added to the PR database, ] [you need to include <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> in the Cc line ] [and leave the subject line UNCHANGED. This is not done] [automatically because of the potential for mail loops. ] [If you do not include this Cc, your reply may be ig- ] [nored unless you are responding to an explicit request ] [from a developer. ] [Reply only with text; DO NOT SEND ATTACHMENTS! ]