On Tue, 28 May 1996, Paul Richards wrote:
> In reply to Brian Behlendorf who said
> > 
> > brian       96/05/27 13:34:51
> > 
> >   Added:       src       mod_info.c
> >   Log:
> >   Submitted by:     Brian Behlendorf
> >   Obtained from:  Rasmus Lerdorf
> Umm, that's not quite how those lines are meant to be used. 
> Submitted by: Rasmus Lerdorf
> would have been correct, it's obvious you're the one committing it because
> there's a line with your name in it. The "Obtained from:" line is to
> attribute sources you grab code from such as NCSA or something without
> them actually "submitting" it to you. We added the "Obtained from" line
> because the NetBSD folks always used to complain when we nicked fixes from
> them and didn't attribute them for it in the commit message.

Okay, sounds right, my apologies.


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