Robert S. Thau wrote:
> Ben --- I'd very much like a change to this patch.  Introducing the
> 'cmd' member of cmd_parms constitutes a change to the API; I really
> think these should be discussed on the list before being committed.
> This one, in any case, is unnecessary.  The cmd_data of the callback
> structure already exists precisely to allow a command handler to
> behave differently depending on which command table entry caused it to
> be invoked; if the relevant command table entries looked like
>   { "RLimitCPU", no_set_limit, "RLimitCPU", ... },
>   { "RLimitNPROC", no_set_limit, "RLimitNPROC", ... },
> the name under which no_set_limit was invoked would be in cmd->info.

Unfortunately it is also used in set_rlimit. I'm happy to discuss it, though.
It seemed like a useful and harmless addition to me, and it is back compatible,
unlike many other changes that I'd really like to make.

> As long as I'm looking the code more over with a tighter eye than
> formally (sigh...), I just noticed the use of RAW_ARGS; this is
> something we may want to change before final release --- the problem
> with it is that while TAKE1, TAKE2, and the like provide some sort of
> guidance to an external agent which is trying to parse the config file
> (perhaps through a mod_info-style intermediary), RAW_ARGS is
> essentially useless.
> I understand that you aren't personally responsible for this, but
> still, in the long run, we ought to change it.  (I've been thinking
> that maybe adding a TAKE2OPT-style command-handling directive, which
> would be like TAKE2 except that it allowed the args to be missing,
> would be a good idea).

How about TAKE1|TAKE2? Assuming there are considerably less than 32
possibilities, that is.

> One last gripe --- the command handlers seem to be logging errors in
> cases where they really ought to be returning a syntax error string
> --- i.e., in cases where the args are just syntactically invalid.
> This really ought to change...

Possibly so, I was just taking what was there and tidying.

> rst

Ben Laurie                  Phone: +44 (181) 994 6435
Freelance Consultant and    Fax:   +44 (181) 994 6472
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