pcs         96/11/30 09:06:41

  Modified:    htdocs/manual/mod  core.html
  Fix various typos. Put directives in alphabetic order. Put <hr>'s between
  directives. Remove documentation about %s in ErrorDocument ". Update
  default MaxClients to 256.
  Revision  Changes    Path
  1.9       +110 -109  apache/htdocs/manual/mod/core.html
  Index: core.html
  RCS file: /export/home/cvs/apache/htdocs/manual/mod/core.html,v
  retrieving revision 1.8
  retrieving revision 1.9
  diff -C3 -r1.8 -r1.9
  *** core.html 1996/11/30 16:53:29     1.8
  --- core.html 1996/11/30 17:06:40     1.9
  *** 14,22 ****
  - <li>RLimitCPU
  - <li>RLimitMEM
  - <li>RLimitNPROC
    <li><A HREF="#accessconfig">AccessConfig</A>
    <li><A HREF="#accessfilename">AccessFileName</A>
  --- 14,19 ----
  *** 33,43 ****
    <li><A HREF="#files">&lt;Files&gt;</A>
    <li><A HREF="#group">Group</A>
    <li><A HREF="#identitycheck">IdentityCheck</A>
  ! <li><A HREF="#ifmodule">&lt;IfModule%gt;</A>
    <li><A HREF="#keepalive">KeepAlive</A>
    <li><A HREF="#keepalivetimeout">KeepAliveTimeout</A>
    <li><A HREF="#limit">&lt;Limit&gt;</A>
  ! <li><A HREF="#listen">Listen;</A>
    <li><A HREF="#location">&lt;Location&gt;</A>
    <li><A HREF="#maxclients">MaxClients</A>
    <li><A HREF="#maxrequestsperchild">MaxRequestsPerChild</A>
  --- 30,40 ----
    <li><A HREF="#files">&lt;Files&gt;</A>
    <li><A HREF="#group">Group</A>
    <li><A HREF="#identitycheck">IdentityCheck</A>
  ! <li><A HREF="#ifmodule">&lt;IfModule&gt;</A>
    <li><A HREF="#keepalive">KeepAlive</A>
    <li><A HREF="#keepalivetimeout">KeepAliveTimeout</A>
    <li><A HREF="#limit">&lt;Limit&gt;</A>
  ! <li><A HREF="#listen">Listen</A>
    <li><A HREF="#location">&lt;Location&gt;</A>
    <li><A HREF="#maxclients">MaxClients</A>
    <li><A HREF="#maxrequestsperchild">MaxRequestsPerChild</A>
  *** 48,53 ****
  --- 45,53 ----
    <li><A HREF="#port">Port</A>
    <li><A HREF="#require">require</A>
    <li><A HREF="#resourceconfig">ResourceConfig</A>
  + <li>RLimitCPU
  + <li>RLimitMEM
  + <li>RLimitNPROC
    <li><A HREF="#sendbuffersize>SendBufferSize</A>
    <li><A HREF="#serveradmin">ServerAdmin</A>
  *** 63,162 ****
  - <A name="sendbuffersize"><h2>SendBufferSize</h2></A>
  - <!--%plaintext &lt;?INDEX {\tt AccessConfig} directive&gt; -->
  - <strong>Syntax:</strong> SendBufferSize <em>bytes</em><br>
  - <strong>Context:</strong> server config, virtual host<br>
  - <strong>Status:</strong> core<p>
  - The server will set the TCP buffer size to the number of bytes
  - specified. Very useful to increase past standard OS defaults on high
  - speed high latency (i.e. 100ms or so, such as transcontinental
  - fast pipes)
  - <p><hr>
  - <A name="files"><h2>&lt;Files&gt;</h2></A>
  - <strong>Syntax:</strong> &lt;Files <em>filename</em>&gt;
  - ... &lt;/Files&gt;<br>
  - <strong>Context:</strong> server config, virtual host, htaccess<br>
  - <strong>Status:</strong> core<br>
  - <strong>Compatibility:</strong> only available in Apache
  - 1.2 and above.<p>
  - <p>The &lt;Files&gt; directive provides for access control by
  - filename. It is comparable to the <a
  - href="#directory">&lt;Directory&gt;</a> directive and
  - <a href="#location">&lt;Location&gt;</a> directives. It
  - should be matched with a &lt;/Files&gt; directive. Directives that
  - apply to the filename given should be listed
  - within. <code>&lt;Files&gt;</code> sections are processed in the
  - order they appear in the configuration file, after the
  - &lt;Directory&gt; sections and <code>.htaccess</code> files are
  - read, but before &lt;Location&gt; sections.</p>
  - <p>The <em>filename</em> argument should include a filename, or a 
  - wildcard string, where `?' matches any single character, and `*' matches any
  - sequences of characters. Extended regular expressions can also be used, 
with the addition of
  - the <code>~</code> character. For example:</p>
  - <pre>
  -    &lt;Files ~ &quot;\.(gif|jpe?g|png)$&quot;&gt;
  - </pre>
  - would match most common Internet graphics formats.
  - <p>Note that unlike <a
  - href="#directory"><code>&lt;Directory&gt;</code></a> and <a
  - href="#location"><code>&lt;Location&gt;</code></a> sections,
  - <code>&lt;Files&gt;</code> sections can be used inside .htaccess
  - files. This allows users to control access to their own files, at a
  - file-by-file level. When used in an .htaccess file, if the
  - <em>filename</em> does not begin with a <code>/</code> character,
  - the directory being applied will be prefixed automatically.
  - <p> <hr>
  - <A NAME="ifmodule"><H2>&lt;IfModule&gt;</H2></A>
  - <b>Syntax:</b> &lt;IfModule [!]<i>module-name</i>&gt; <i>...</i>
  - &lt;/IfModule&gt;<br>
  - <b>Default:</b> None<br>
  - <b>Context:</b> all<br>
  - <b>Status:</b> Core
  - <strong>Compatibility:</strong> ScriptLog is only available in 1.2 and
  - later.<P>
  - <p>
  - The &lt;IfModule <i>test</i>&gt;...&lt;/IfModule&gt;
  - section is used to mark directives that are conditional. The
  - directives within an IfModule section are only
  - processed if the <i>test</i> is true. If <i>test</i>
  - is false, everything between the start and end markers
  - is ignored.<p>
  - The <i>test</i> in the &lt;IfModule&gt; section directive
  - can be one of two forms:
  - <ul>
  - <li><i>module name</i>
  - <li>!<i>module name</i>
  - </ul>
  - <p>In the former case, the directives between the start and end markers
  - are only processed if the module named <i>module name</i> is compiled
  - in to Apache. The second format reverses the test, and only processes
  - the directives if <i>module name</i> is <b>not</b> compiled in.
  - <p>The <i>module name</i> argument is a module name as given as the file
  - name of the module, at the time it was compiled. For example,
  - <code>mod_rewrite.c</code>.
  - <p>&lt;IfModule&gt; sections are nestable, which can be used to implement
  - simple multiple-module tests.
  - <P> <hr>
    <A name="accessconfig"><h2>AccessConfig directive</h2></A>
    <!--%plaintext &lt;?INDEX {\tt AccessConfig} directive&gt; -->
    <strong>Syntax:</strong> AccessConfig <em>filename</em><br>
  --- 63,68 ----
  *** 431,438 ****
    <P><em>Messages</em> in this context, begin with a single quote
    (<code>"</code>), which does not form part of the message itself. Apache 
  ! sometime offer additional information regarding the problem/error. This can 
  ! embedded into the message using <code>%s</code>
    <P>URLs will begin with a slash (/) for local URLs, or will be a full
    URL which the client can resolve. Examples:
  --- 337,343 ----
    <P><em>Messages</em> in this context, begin with a single quote
    (<code>"</code>), which does not form part of the message itself. Apache 
  ! sometime offer additional information regarding the problem/error. 
    <P>URLs will begin with a slash (/) for local URLs, or will be a full
    URL which the client can resolve. Examples:
  *** 460,465 ****
  --- 365,411 ----
    <blockquote><code>ErrorLog /dev/null</code></blockquote>
    This effectively turns off error logging.<p><hr>
  + <A name="files"><h2>&lt;Files&gt;</h2></A>
  + <strong>Syntax:</strong> &lt;Files <em>filename</em>&gt;
  + ... &lt;/Files&gt;<br>
  + <strong>Context:</strong> server config, virtual host, htaccess<br>
  + <strong>Status:</strong> core<br>
  + <strong>Compatibility:</strong> only available in Apache
  + 1.2 and above.<p>
  + <p>The &lt;Files&gt; directive provides for access control by
  + filename. It is comparable to the <a
  + href="#directory">&lt;Directory&gt;</a> directive and
  + <a href="#location">&lt;Location&gt;</a> directives. It
  + should be matched with a &lt;/Files&gt; directive. Directives that
  + apply to the filename given should be listed
  + within. <code>&lt;Files&gt;</code> sections are processed in the
  + order they appear in the configuration file, after the
  + &lt;Directory&gt; sections and <code>.htaccess</code> files are
  + read, but before &lt;Location&gt; sections.</p>
  + <p>The <em>filename</em> argument should include a filename, or a 
  + wildcard string, where `?' matches any single character, and `*' matches any
  + sequences of characters. Extended regular expressions can also be used, 
with the addition of
  + the <code>~</code> character. For example:</p>
  + <pre>
  +    &lt;Files ~ &quot;\.(gif|jpe?g|png)$&quot;&gt;
  + </pre>
  + would match most common Internet graphics formats.
  + <p>Note that unlike <a
  + href="#directory"><code>&lt;Directory&gt;</code></a> and <a
  + href="#location"><code>&lt;Location&gt;</code></a> sections,
  + <code>&lt;Files&gt;</code> sections can be used inside .htaccess
  + files. This allows users to control access to their own files, at a
  + file-by-file level. When used in an .htaccess file, if the
  + <em>filename</em> does not begin with a <code>/</code> character,
  + the directory being applied will be prefixed automatically.
  + <p> <hr>
    <A name="group"><h2>Group directive</h2></A>
    <!--%plaintext &lt;?INDEX {\tt Group} directive&gt; -->
    <strong>Syntax:</strong> Group <em>unix-group</em><br>
  *** 503,508 ****
  --- 449,494 ----
    The information should not trusted in any way except for rudimentary usage
  + <A NAME="ifmodule"><H2>&lt;IfModule&gt;</H2></A>
  + <b>Syntax:</b> &lt;IfModule [!]<i>module-name</i>&gt; <i>...</i>
  + &lt;/IfModule&gt;<br>
  + <b>Default:</b> None<br>
  + <b>Context:</b> all<br>
  + <b>Status:</b> Core
  + <strong>Compatibility:</strong> ScriptLog is only available in 1.2 and
  + later.<P>
  + <p>
  + The &lt;IfModule <i>test</i>&gt;...&lt;/IfModule&gt;
  + section is used to mark directives that are conditional. The
  + directives within an IfModule section are only
  + processed if the <i>test</i> is true. If <i>test</i>
  + is false, everything between the start and end markers
  + is ignored.<p>
  + The <i>test</i> in the &lt;IfModule&gt; section directive
  + can be one of two forms:
  + <ul>
  + <li><i>module name</i>
  + <li>!<i>module name</i>
  + </ul>
  + <p>In the former case, the directives between the start and end markers
  + are only processed if the module named <i>module name</i> is compiled
  + in to Apache. The second format reverses the test, and only processes
  + the directives if <i>module name</i> is <b>not</b> compiled in.
  + <p>The <i>module name</i> argument is a module name as given as the file
  + name of the module, at the time it was compiled. For example,
  + <code>mod_rewrite.c</code>.
  + <p>&lt;IfModule&gt; sections are nestable, which can be used to implement
  + simple multiple-module tests.
  + <P> <hr>
    <h2><a name="keepalive">KeepAlive</a></h2>
    <strong>Syntax:</strong> KeepAlive <em>max-requests</em><br>
    <strong>Default:</strong> <code>KeepAlive 5</code><br>
  *** 531,537 ****
    value specified by the <a
    href="../core.html#timeout"><code>Timeout</code></a> directive
    <A name="listen"><h2>Listen</h2></A>
  --- 517,523 ----
    value specified by the <a
    href="../core.html#timeout"><code>Timeout</code></a> directive
  ! <hr>
    <A name="listen"><h2>Listen</h2></A>
  *** 548,553 ****
  --- 534,540 ----
    <p><strong>See Also</strong>:
    <a href="bind.html">Setting which addresses and ports Apache uses</a></p>
  + <hr>
    <A name="limit"><h2>&lt;Limit&gt; directive</h2></A>
    <!--%plaintext &lt;?INDEX {\tt Limit} section directive&gt; -->
  *** 623,634 ****
    <A name="maxclients"><h2>MaxClients directive</h2></A>
    <!--%plaintext &lt;?INDEX {\tt MaxClients} directive&gt; -->
    <strong>Syntax:</strong> MaxClients <em>number</em><br>
  ! <strong>Default:</strong> <code>MaxClients 150</code><br>
    <strong>Context:</strong> server config<br>
    <strong>Status:</strong> core<p>
  --- 610,621 ----
  ! <hr>
    <A name="maxclients"><h2>MaxClients directive</h2></A>
    <!--%plaintext &lt;?INDEX {\tt MaxClients} directive&gt; -->
    <strong>Syntax:</strong> MaxClients <em>number</em><br>
  ! <strong>Default:</strong> <code>MaxClients 256</code><br>
    <strong>Context:</strong> server config<br>
    <strong>Status:</strong> core<p>
  *** 744,754 ****
    Normally, if multiple <code>Options</code> could apply to a directory,
    then the most specific one is taken complete; the options are not
  ! merged. However if <i>all</i> the options on the <code>Options</code> 
directive are
  ! preceeded by a + or - symbol, the options are merged. Any options
  ! preceeded by a + are added to the options currently in force, and any
  ! options preceeded by a - are removed from the options currently in
  ! force.  <P>
    For example, without any + and - symbols:
  --- 731,741 ----
    Normally, if multiple <code>Options</code> could apply to a directory,
    then the most specific one is taken complete; the options are not
  ! merged. However if <i>all</i> the options on the <code>Options</code>
  ! directive are preceeded by a + or - symbol, the options are
  ! merged. Any options preceeded by a + are added to the options
  ! currently in force, and any options preceeded by a - are removed from
  ! the options currently in force.  <P>
    For example, without any + and - symbols:
  *** 774,779 ****
  --- 761,767 ----
    then the options <code>FollowSymLinks</code> and <code>Includes</code>
    are set for the /web/docs/spec directory.
  + <hr>
    <A name="pidfile"><h2>PidFile directive</h2></A>
    <!--%plaintext &lt;?INDEX {\tt PidFile} directive&gt; -->
  *** 877,882 ****
  --- 865,882 ----
    See also <A HREF="#accessconfig">AccessConfig</A>.<p><hr>
  + <A name="sendbuffersize"><h2>SendBufferSize</h2></A>
  + <!--%plaintext &lt;?INDEX {\tt AccessConfig} directive&gt; -->
  + <strong>Syntax:</strong> SendBufferSize <em>bytes</em><br>
  + <strong>Context:</strong> server config, virtual host<br>
  + <strong>Status:</strong> core<p>
  + The server will set the TCP buffer size to the number of bytes
  + specified. Very useful to increase past standard OS defaults on high
  + speed high latency (i.e. 100ms or so, such as transcontinental
  + fast pipes)
  + <p><hr>
    <A name="serveradmin"><h2>ServerAdmin directive</h2></A>
    <!--%plaintext &lt;?INDEX {\tt ServerAdmin} directive&gt; -->
    <strong>Syntax:</strong> ServerAdmin <em>email-address</em><br>
  *** 928,933 ****
  --- 928,934 ----
    The ServerAlias directive sets the legacy URL pathname for a host, for
    use with <a href="host.html">Host-header based virtual hosts</a>.
  + <hr>
    <A name="serverroot"><h2>ServerRoot directive</h2></A>
    <!--%plaintext &lt;?INDEX {\tt ServerRoot} directive&gt; -->

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