coar        97/04/10 20:25:06

  Modified:    htdocs/manual/misc  FAQ.html
        Added section on CGI usage in non-ScriptAliased directories.
  Submitted by: Marc Slemko
  Revision  Changes    Path
  1.16      +50 -1     apache/htdocs/manual/misc/FAQ.html
  Index: FAQ.html
  RCS file: /export/home/cvs/apache/htdocs/manual/misc/FAQ.html,v
  retrieving revision 1.15
  retrieving revision 1.16
  diff -C3 -r1.15 -r1.16
  *** FAQ.html  1997/04/09 19:23:02     1.15
  --- FAQ.html  1997/04/11 03:25:04     1.16
  *** 8,14 ****
    <!--#include virtual="header.html" -->
    <H1>Apache Server Frequently Asked Questions</H1>
  ! $Revision: 1.15 $ ($Date: 1997/04/09 19:23:02 $)
    <H2>The Questions</H2>
    <!-- Stuff to Add:                                              -->
  --- 8,14 ----
    <!--#include virtual="header.html" -->
    <H1>Apache Server Frequently Asked Questions</H1>
  ! $Revision: 1.16 $ ($Date: 1997/04/11 03:25:04 $)
    <H2>The Questions</H2>
    <!-- Stuff to Add:                                              -->
  *** 23,28 ****
  --- 23,30 ----
    <!-- - disable Apache buffering of script output by using nph-          -->
    <!-- - access control based on DNS name really needs MAXIMUM_DNS    -->
    <!--   and double-check that rDNS resolves to name expected     -->
  + <!-- - add stuff about using XBitHack Full to generate a        -->
  + <!--   Last-Modified header [section on caching SSL]                    -->
      <OL START=1>
  *** 57,62 ****
  --- 59,67 ----
       <LI><A HREF="#compatible">How compatible is Apache with my existing
        NCSA 1.3 setup?</A>
  +    <LI><A HREF="#CGIoutsideScriptAlias">How do I enable CGI execution
  +         in directories other than the ScriptAlias?</A>
  +    </LI>
       <LI><A HREF="#premature-script-headers">What does it mean when my
            CGIs fail with &quot;Premature end of script headers&quot;?</A>
  *** 363,368 ****
  --- 368,417 ----
      that fundamental feature enhancments stay consistent between the two
      servers for the foreseeable future.
  +   <HR>
  +  </LI>
  +  <LI><A
  +       NAME="CGIoutsideScriptAlias"
  +      ><STRONG>How do I enable CGI execution in directories other than
  +       the ScriptAlias?</STRONG></A>
  +   <P>
  +   </P>
  +   <P>
  +   Apache recognises all files in a directory named as a
  +   <A
  +    HREF="../mod/mod_alias.html#scriptalias"
  +   >ScriptAlias</A>
  +   as being eligible for execution rather than processing as normal
  +   documents.  This applies regardless of the file name, so scripts in a
  +   ScriptAlias directory don't need to be named
  +   &quot;<SAMP>*.cgi</SAMP>&quot; or &quot;<SAMP>*.pl</SAMP>&quot; or
  +   whatever.  In other words, <EM>all</EM> files in a ScriptAlias
  +   directory are scripts, as far as Apache is concerned.
  +   </P>
  +   <P>
  +   To persuade Apache to execute scripts in other locations, such as in
  +   directories where normal documents may also live, you must tell it how
  +   to recognise them - and also that it's okey to execute them.
  +   </P>
  +   <OL>
  +    <LI>In an appropriate section of your server configuration files, add
  +     a line such as
  +     <PRE>
  +      <A
  +       HREF="../mod/mod_mime.html#addhandler"
  +      >AddHandler</A> cgi-script .cgi
  +     </PRE>
  +     The server will then recognise that all files in that location (and
  +     its logical descendants) that end in &quot;<SAMP>.cgi</SAMP>&quot;
  +     are script files, not documents.
  +    </LI>
  +    <LI>Make sure that the directory location is covered by an
  +     <A
  +      HREF="../mod/core.html#options"
  +     >Options</A>
  +     declaration that includes the <SAMP>ExecCGI</SAMP> option.
  +    </LI>
  +   </OL>

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