pcs         97/06/12 02:35:50

  Modified:    htdocs/manual/misc  known_bugs.html
  Remove all old fixed bugs. Add some real 1.2 bugs.
  Revision  Changes    Path
  1.17      +59 -258   apache/htdocs/manual/misc/known_bugs.html
  Index: known_bugs.html
  RCS file: /export/home/cvs/apache/htdocs/manual/misc/known_bugs.html,v
  retrieving revision 1.16
  retrieving revision 1.17
  diff -C3 -r1.16 -r1.17
  *** known_bugs.html   1997/06/08 00:02:47     1.16
  --- known_bugs.html   1997/06/12 09:35:48     1.17
  *** 17,31 ****
    The most up-to-date resource for bug tracking and information is the
    <A HREF="http://www.apache.org/bugdb.cgi";>Apache bug database</A>.
  ! All existing bugs will be noted there.  Below is a synopsis of
  ! significant outstanding bugs at release time.  In fact you really
  ! shouldn't trust anything this page says other than the 1.2
  ! information.
    <P>See Also: <A HREF="compat_notes.html">Compatibility notes</A></P>
  ! <H2>Version 1.2 (all)</H2>
    <OL><a name="listenbug"></a>
        <LI>On some architectures if your configuration uses multiple
  --- 17,31 ----
    The most up-to-date resource for bug tracking and information is the
    <A HREF="http://www.apache.org/bugdb.cgi";>Apache bug database</A>.
  ! Significant bugs at release time will also be noted there.
  ! If you are running a 1.2 beta release or version 1.1.3 or earlier
  ! and thing you have found a bug, please upgrade to 1.2. Many bugs
  ! in early versions have been fixed in 1.2.
    <P>See Also: <A HREF="compat_notes.html">Compatibility notes</A></P>
  ! <H2>Apache 1.2 Bugs</H2>
    <OL><a name="listenbug"></a>
        <LI>On some architectures if your configuration uses multiple
  *** 39,45 ****
        This affects any architecture that doesn't use one of the
        <code>USE_xxxxx_SERIALIZED_ACCEPT</code> definitions, see the
        source file <code>conf.h</code> for your architecture.
  !     <p>This will be tracked as
        <a href="http://www.apache.org/bugdb.cgi/full/467";>PR#467</a>.
  --- 39,45 ----
        This affects any architecture that doesn't use one of the
        <code>USE_xxxxx_SERIALIZED_ACCEPT</code> definitions, see the
        source file <code>conf.h</code> for your architecture.
  !     This will be tracked as
        <a href="http://www.apache.org/bugdb.cgi/full/467";>PR#467</a>.
  *** 51,318 ****
        This <A HREF="../../dist/contrib/patches/1.2/conneg-bug.patch">patch</A>
        fixes this problem. It also fixes the problem which makes Apache
        pick the last equally acceptable variant instead of the first.
  !     <p>This will be tracked as
        <a href="http://www.apache.org/bugdb.cgi/full/94";>PR#94</a>.
  - </OL>
  - <H2>Version 1.2b8</H2>
  - There are several known bugs in 1.2b8.  See the
  - <A HREF="http://www.apache.org/dist/patches/apply_to_1.2b8/";>1.2b8 patches
  - directory</A> for patches for some of the ones that have been fixed since
  - the release of 1.2b8.<P>
  - <H2>Version 1.2b1</H2>
  - <OL>
  -     <LI>users have reported problems with many connections stuck in the
  - FIN_WAIT_2 state due to server timeouts. This is a quite complicated 
  - problem; see our <A HREF="fin_wait_2.html">FIN_WAIT_2</A> page for
  - details.
  -     <LI>hard_timeout() for request reads uses incorrect logic, and
  - ends up waiting for an initial request read for the default "timeout"
  - number of seconds, 1200, yet only the "KeepAliveTimeout" number of
  - seconds on keepalive connections.  
  -     <LI>mod_info output is not displaying current configuration as
  - it should.
  -     <LI>Invalid commands in .htaccess files may cause segmentation faults.
  - </OL>
  - <H2>Version 1.1.1</H2>
  - <OL>
  -     <LI>Hostnames such as "123.hotwired.com" are valid, yet
  - find_allowdeny does not properly handle them.  This should be put on
  - Known Bugs.  Be careful when fixing this because just removing the
  - isalpha() check creates a security hole, consider the DNS map
  - " IN PTR 2.2.2."  if the user has a config line
  - "allow from 2.2.2" it will allow in (unless -DMAXIMUM_DNS).
  - -- which is bad because it breaks people who understand double reverse
  - lookup and are trying to avoid it by using only IP addresses on
  - allow/deny statements. - reported by Dean Gaudet, fixed in 1.2.
  - </OL>
  - <H2>Version 1.1.0</H2>
  - <OL>
  -     <LI>mod_auth_msql misbehaviors.  Grab a newer version from 
  -     <A HREF="http://www.apache.org/dist/contrib/modules/";>the modules 
  -     directory</A>. -fixed in 1.1
  -     <LI>Hanging on Netscape 2.0-3.0b4 on MSWindows (3.1 and 95) - 
  -     we investigated pretty seriously, and as best we can tell 
  -     this is a Netscape bug, and was fixed in 3.0b5.  Please read our
  -     <A HREF="windoz_keepalive.html">lab report</A>.
  - </OL>
  - <H2>Version 1.1b2 (beta)</h2>
  - <OL>
  -        <LI>SunOS has trouble compiling mod_status.c . It'll be fixed
  -        before 1.1 is released.</LI>
  -        <LI>CGI which spawn background processes may fail to return 
  -        No fix exists yet.</LI>
  -        <LI>mod_dir appears to have problems when the DocumentRoot has a 
  -        trailing slash.</LI>
  - </OL>
  - <H2>Version 1.1b1 (beta)</h2>
  - <OL>
  -     <LI>The logfile can sometimes contain only part of a host
  -     address.  This occurs if the Cookie module is compiled in
  -     and enabled.  
  - </OL>
  - <H2>Version 0.8.16 (beta)</H2>
  - <OL>
  -   <LI>(Feature) You cannot use relative pathnames for the -f or -d flags
  -  to httpd.<p>
  -   <LI><code>.asis</code> files cannot be used for content-negotiation.
  - </OL>
  - <H2>Version 0.8.13 (beta)</H2>
  - <OL>
  -   <LI><CODE>AddDescription</CODE> doesn't seem to work (a fix is 
  - </OL>
  - <H2>Version 0.8.11 (beta)</H2>
  - <OL>
  -   <LI><CODE>http_main.c</CODE> function <CODE>accept_mutex_init()</CODE>
  -  horrible bug, <CODE>lock_fname</CODE> should be defined larger, e.g.
  -  <CODE><BR>
  -      char lock_fname[30];
  -  </CODE>
  -  <BR><B>Ooops.</B>
  - <P>
  -  <LI>There's a bug with <B>NeXT</B>. Restarting the server causes an
  -    infinite loop. A fix has been provided by a user and should be included
  -    in a future update.
  - <P>
  - </OL>
  - <H2>Version 0.8.10 (beta)</H2>
  - <OL>
  -   <LI>Server side includes which include CGI output can have unbearable
  -    delays on some platforms. We're looking into a fix.
  - <P>
  -   <LI>NCSA 1.3 and beyond allow wildcards in &lt;Directory&gt; tags; e.g.
  -       &lt;Directory /home/*/public_html&gt; - Apache doesn't (yet),
  -       but we have a patch coming real soon now
  - <P>
  -   <LI>Buggy scripts can cause server misbehavior on Solaris at least.
  - <P>
  -   <LI>Some of the default directives in srm.conf-dist are outdated
  - <P>
  -   <LI>Descriptions of args to AddIcon and AddAlt are wrong
  -       in command table.
  - <P>
  -   <LI>DirectoryIndex sometimes gets spuriously reset to the default value.
  - <P>
  -   <LI>ErrorDocument is a little shaky, <CODE>" Some text %s</CODE> doesn't
  -     agree with the documentation.
  - <P>
  -   <LI>All Aliases are checked before any ScriptAliases --- the fully
  -       compatible behavior would be to check both in one pass, in the order
  -       in which they occur in srm.conf.
  - <P>
  - </OL>
  - <H2>Version 0.8.8 (beta)</H2>
  - <OL>
  -   <LI>There's a known compilation problem with <B>NeXT</B>. Knock out the
  -    2nd argument to <CODE>setjmp</CODE> when your compiler complains.<BR><BR>
  -   </LI>
  -   <LI><CODE>exec cgi=""</CODE> produces reasonable <B>malformed header</B>
  -   responses when used to invoke non-CGI scripts.<BR>
  -   The NCSA code ignores the missing header. (bad idea)<BR>
  -   Solution: write CGI to the CGI spec or use <CODE>exec cmd=""</CODE> 
  -   <P>We might add <CODE>virtual</CODE> support to <CODE>exec cmd</CODE> to
  -   make up for this difference.</P>
  -   <LI>A <I>scoreboard</I> file for process management is currently
  -   created in <B>/tmp</B>. We now find this to be a bad idea, and have plans
  -   to move it into the <CODE>/logs</CODE> directory along with other
  -   files created by Apache.
  -   <P>If you have any <B>/tmp</B> cleaning scripts (e.g. from crontab), you
  -   should have them ignore the scoreboard file, which is named 
  -   <B>/tmp/htstatus.XXXXXXX</B>. If the scoreboard file is damaged, Apache
  -   can become very confused (a SIGHUP repairs the damage).  Furthermore, not
  -   having a /tmp at all can cause disastrous results, as there's no error 
  -   checking yet.<P>  
  -   <LI>Putting authorization information (like AuthName and AuthType) into a 
  -   &lt;Directory&gt; directive without a "requires" field in the 
  -   directive can result in a core dump.<P>
  -   <LI>AddIcon is broken. The fix is to change<BR>
  -   <CODE>
  -   { "AddIcon", add_icon, BY_<B>TYPE</B>, DIR_CMD_PERMS, ITERATE2,
  -   </CODE>
  -   <BR>to<BR>
  -   <CODE>
  -   { "AddIcon", add_icon, BY_<B>PATH</B>, DIR_CMD_PERMS, ITERATE2,
  -   </CODE>
  -   <P>in <CODE>mod_dir.c</CODE></P></LI>
  -   <LI>Under IRIX, the "Group" directive in httpd.conf needs to be a valid 
group name 
  -   (i.e. "nogroup") not the numeric group ID.  The distribution httpd.conf, 
and earlier 
  -   ones, had the default Group be "#-1", which was causing silent exits at 
  - <P>
  !   <LI>Server push as regular CGI's don't work - actually, any normal CGI 
  !   that outputs additional attributes to the Content-type line (separated by 
  !   semicolon) gets that extra information chopped off, which means that the 
  !   <code>Content-type: multipart/x-mixed-replace; 
  !   gets munged to just <code>Content-type: multipart/x-mixed-replace</code>, 
  !   means it doesn't know what the boundary is, and fails.  You can get 
around this
  !   until 0.8.9 by making the CGI script a "No Parsed Header" script by 
prefixing the 
  !   name of the script with a "nph-", but then you have to be responsible for 
  !   HTTP headers.  If the server-push animation is a constant, unchanging 
stream that
  !   terminates at some point, you could also put that stream into a whole 
file and 
  !   use the .asis file extension functionality.  
  ! <P>
  !   <LI>ErrorDocument is a little shaky, <CODE>" Some text %s</CODE> doesn't
  !     agree with the documentation.
  ! <P>
  ! </OL>
  ! <HR>
  ! <H2>Version 0.6.4 </H2>
  ! <OL>
  ! <LI>As with NCSA 1.3 (and 1.4 ?), some <B>HEAD</B> requests on
  ! directories without an <CODE>index.html</CODE> fail to be logged... 
  ! <LI>Typo in Virtual Host #defines (accidentally defined #VIRUAL_HOST").  
0.6.4b fixes this.
  ! </OL>
  ! <H2>Version 0.6.2 (first beta)</H2>
  ! <OL>
  ! <LI><P>Apache error_log might show <CODE>httpd: caught SIGBUS, dumping 
core</CODE> after a successful redirect. We hope to fix this in 0.6.3</P></LI>
  ! <LI><P>If you see a lot of messages such as,
  ! <PRE>access to /something: failed for foo.bar.com, reason: no multi in this 
  ! in your error log, don't panic !. It means "File not found", and we will
  ! fix it sooner or later.
  ! </P>
  ! <LI><P><B>WARNING</B>: Apache logs all URLs redirected <B>from</B> and
  ! <B>to</B>.  This isn't bug, it's deliberate, but you should be aware
  ! of it.  It's a recognition of the fact that the Common Log File format
  ! doesn't have any place to log the real object that was returned for
  ! the internally redirected request.  This will be changed soon.  
  ! </P>
  ! <LI><P>BSDI problems: One of the test machines (<a
  ! href="http://www.hyperreal.com/";>Hyperreal</a>) has noticed "flocks" of
  ! child processes sucking up large amounts of resources when moderately
  ! hit (on a Pentium 90 running 1.1 serving ~2 hits/second).  Killing and
  ! restarting the daemon helps this disappear - it's being investigated,
  ! it might be a kernel bug, but then every server developer likes to say
  ! that.  Let us know how well it works for you if you are using BSDI and
  ! have a high number of hits.</P></LI>
  --- 51,119 ----
        This <A HREF="../../dist/contrib/patches/1.2/conneg-bug.patch">patch</A>
        fixes this problem. It also fixes the problem which makes Apache
        pick the last equally acceptable variant instead of the first.
  !     This will be tracked as
        <a href="http://www.apache.org/bugdb.cgi/full/94";>PR#94</a>.
  +     <LI>
  +     The PATH_INFO part of a request URI cannot include the sequence
  +     <CODE>%2f</CODE>. This will be tracked as 
  +     <A HREF="http://dev.apache.org/private/bugdb.cgi/full/543";>PR#543</A>.
  +     </LI>
  !     <LI>Users of early 1.2 betas reported problems with many
  !     connections stuck in the FIN_WAIT_2 state due to server
  !     timeouts. Several changes were made during the beta testing of 1.2
  !     to reduce this problem as much as possible, although you may still
  !     see sockets in FIN_WAIT_2 state due to network or operating system
  !     issues outside the control of Apache. See our <A
  !     HREF="fin_wait_2.html">FIN_WAIT_2</A> page for more details.
  !     </LI>
  !     <LI>Compilation fails on SCO3 when using gcc instead of cc, complaining
  !     with "<CODE>gcc: noinline: No such file or directory</CODE>". Fix
  !     is given in <a 
  !     </LI>
  !     <LI>If compilation fails complaining about "unknown symbol 
  !     then you have probably installed version 8 of bind. You will need to
  !     explicitly link with the bind library by adding <CODE>-lbind</CODE> 
  !     to <CODE>EXTRA_LFLAGS</CODE> in <CODE>Configuration</CODE>. See
  !     <A HREF="http://dev.apache.org/private/bugdb.cgi/full/616";>PR#616</A>
  !     and the 
  !     <A 
  !     </LI>
  !     <LI>The message "<CODE>created shared memory segment #730499</CODE>"
  !     in error_log is not an error and should be ignored. See 
  !     <a href="http://www.apache.org/bugdb.cgi/full/696";>PR#696</A>.
  !     </LI>
  !     <LI>
  !     Compiling on Solaris 2 with SunSoft's C compiler gives the warning
  !     <CODE>"mod_include.c", line 1123: warning: end-of-loop code not
  !     reached</CODE>. This is a bogus warning and can be ignored.
  !     See <A 
  !     </LI>
  !     <LI>
  !     There appears to be a problem on BSDI 2.1 with large numbers of
  !     virtual hosts. This appears similar to a file-descriptor limit
  !     but BSDI should not have this problem. This will be tracked as
  !     <A HREF="http://dev.apache.org/private/bugdb.cgi/full/611";>PR#611</A>.
  !     See also the 
  !     <A 
  !     FAQ</A>. 
  !     </LI>
  !     <LI>
  !     Solaris 2 has problems with large numbers of virtual hosts. This is
  !     because of an operating system limit of 256 file pointers, not due
  !     to Apache. 
  !     See also the 
  !     <A 
  !     FAQ</A>.
  !     </LI>

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