marc        97/06/28 16:57:59

  Modified:    htdocs/manual/mod  core.html directives.html
               src       http_conf_globals.h http_config.c http_core.c
                        http_main.c  httpd.h
  Add ListenBacklog directive to control the backlog passed to listen().
  Also change the default to 511 for platforms that use an 8-bit datatype
  to store it.
  A slightly different implementation than suggested by Taso Devetzis
  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, who submitted the PR.
  PR: 240
  Reviewed by:  Dean Gaudet, Jim Jagielski
  Revision  Changes    Path
  1.59      +14 -0     apache/htdocs/manual/mod/core.html
  Index: core.html
  RCS file: /export/home/cvs/apache/htdocs/manual/mod/core.html,v
  retrieving revision 1.58
  retrieving revision 1.59
  diff -C3 -r1.58 -r1.59
  *** core.html 1997/06/22 23:58:38     1.58
  --- core.html 1997/06/28 23:57:53     1.59
  *** 43,48 ****
  --- 43,49 ----
    <li><A HREF="#keepalivetimeout">KeepAliveTimeout</A>
    <li><A HREF="#limit">&lt;Limit&gt;</A>
    <li><A HREF="#listen">Listen</A>
  + <li><A HREF="#listenbacklog">ListenBacklog</A>
    <li><A HREF="#location">&lt;Location&gt;</A>
    <li><A HREF="#maxclients">MaxClients</A>
    <li><A HREF="#maxkeepaliverequests">MaxKeepAliveRequests</a>
  *** 657,662 ****
  --- 658,676 ----
    <strong>See Also:</strong>
    <a href="../misc/known_bugs.html#listenbug">Known Bugs</a></p>
  + <A NAME="listenbacklog"<H2>ListenBacklog</H2></A>
  + <strong>Syntax:</strong> ListenBacklog <em>backlog</em><br>
  + <strong>Default:</strong> <code>ListenBacklog 511</code><br>
  + <strong>Context:</strong> server config<br>
  + <strong>Status:</strong> Core<br>
  + <strong>Compatibility:</strong> ListenBacklog is only available in Apache
  + versions after 1.2.0.<p>
  + The maximum length of the queue of pending connections.  Generally no
  + tuning is needed or desired, however on some systems it is desirable
  + to increase this when under a TCP SYN flood attack.  See 
  + the backlog parameter to the <code>listen(2)</code> system call.
    <A name="limit"><h2>&lt;Limit&gt; directive</h2></A>
    <!--%plaintext &lt;?INDEX {\tt Limit} section directive&gt; -->
  1.21      +1 -0      apache/htdocs/manual/mod/directives.html
  Index: directives.html
  RCS file: /export/home/cvs/apache/htdocs/manual/mod/directives.html,v
  retrieving revision 1.20
  retrieving revision 1.21
  diff -C3 -r1.20 -r1.21
  *** directives.html   1997/06/04 16:14:14     1.20
  --- directives.html   1997/06/28 23:57:54     1.21
  *** 103,108 ****
  --- 103,109 ----
    <li><A HREF="mod_negotiation.html#languagepriority">LanguagePriority</A>
    <li><A HREF="core.html#limit">&lt;Limit&gt;</A>
    <li><A HREF="core.html#listen">Listen</A>
  + <li><A HREF="core.html#listenbacklog">ListenBacklog</A>
    <li><A HREF="mod_dld.html#loadfile">LoadFile</A>
    <li><A HREF="mod_dld.html#loadmodule">LoadModule</A>
    <li><A HREF="core.html#location">&lt;Location&gt;</A>
  1.12      +1 -0      apache/src/http_conf_globals.h
  Index: http_conf_globals.h
  RCS file: /export/home/cvs/apache/src/http_conf_globals.h,v
  retrieving revision 1.11
  retrieving revision 1.12
  diff -C3 -r1.11 -r1.12
  *** http_conf_globals.h       1997/06/28 23:05:13     1.11
  --- http_conf_globals.h       1997/06/28 23:57:55     1.12
  *** 71,76 ****
  --- 71,77 ----
    extern int daemons_max_free;
    extern int daemons_limit;
    extern int suexec_enabled;
  + extern int listenbacklog;
    extern char *pid_fname;
    extern char *scoreboard_fname;
  1.53      +1 -0      apache/src/http_config.c
  Index: http_config.c
  RCS file: /export/home/cvs/apache/src/http_config.c,v
  retrieving revision 1.52
  retrieving revision 1.53
  diff -C3 -r1.52 -r1.53
  *** http_config.c     1997/06/28 23:05:13     1.52
  --- http_config.c     1997/06/28 23:57:55     1.53
  *** 1044,1049 ****
  --- 1044,1050 ----
        max_requests_per_child = DEFAULT_MAX_REQUESTS_PER_CHILD;
        bind_address.s_addr = htonl(INADDR_ANY);
        listeners = NULL;
  +     listenbacklog = DEFAULT_LISTENBACKLOG;
    server_rec *init_server_config(pool *p)
  1.87      +12 -0     apache/src/http_core.c
  Index: http_core.c
  RCS file: /export/home/cvs/apache/src/http_core.c,v
  retrieving revision 1.86
  retrieving revision 1.87
  diff -C3 -r1.86 -r1.87
  *** http_core.c       1997/06/28 23:05:13     1.86
  --- http_core.c       1997/06/28 23:57:55     1.87
  *** 1175,1180 ****
  --- 1175,1191 ----
        return NULL;
  + const char *set_listenbacklog (cmd_parms *cmd, void *dummy, char *arg) {
  +     int b;
  +     if (cmd->server->is_virtual) 
  +         return "ListenBacklog not allowed in <VirtualHost>";
  +     b = atoi (arg);
  +     if (b < 1) return "ListenBacklog must be > 0";
  +     listenbacklog = b;
  +     return NULL;
  + }
    /* Note --- ErrorDocument will now work from .htaccess files.  
     * The AllowOverride of Fileinfo allows webmasters to turn it off
  *** 1292,1297 ****
  --- 1303,1309 ----
    { "ClearModuleList", clear_module_list_command, NULL, RSRC_CONF, NO_ARGS, 
    { "ThreadsPerChild", set_threads, NULL, RSRC_CONF, TAKE1, "Number of 
threads a child creates" },
    { "ExcessRequestsPerChild", set_excess_requests, NULL, RSRC_CONF, TAKE1, 
"Maximum number of requests a particular child serves after it is ready to 
die." },
  + { "ListenBacklog", set_listenbacklog, NULL, RSRC_CONF, TAKE1, "maximum 
length of the queue of pending connections, as used by listen(2)" },
    { NULL },
  1.165     +2 -1      apache/src/http_main.c
  Index: http_main.c
  RCS file: /export/home/cvs/apache/src/http_main.c,v
  retrieving revision 1.164
  retrieving revision 1.165
  diff -C3 -r1.164 -r1.165
  *** http_main.c       1997/06/28 23:05:14     1.164
  --- http_main.c       1997/06/28 23:57:56     1.165
  *** 164,169 ****
  --- 164,170 ----
    int daemons_limit;
    time_t restart_time;
    int suexec_enabled = 0;
  + int listenbacklog;
    char server_root[MAX_STRING_LEN];
    char server_confname[MAX_STRING_LEN];
  *** 1882,1888 ****
    #ifdef MPE
        if (ntohs(server->sin_port) < 1024) GETUSERMODE();
  !     listen(s, 512);
        return s;
  --- 1883,1889 ----
    #ifdef MPE
        if (ntohs(server->sin_port) < 1024) GETUSERMODE();
  !     listen(s, listenbacklog);
        return s;
  1.118     +11 -0     apache/src/httpd.h
  Index: httpd.h
  RCS file: /export/home/cvs/apache/src/httpd.h,v
  retrieving revision 1.117
  retrieving revision 1.118
  diff -C3 -r1.117 -r1.118
  *** httpd.h   1997/06/28 23:05:15     1.117
  --- httpd.h   1997/06/28 23:57:57     1.118
  *** 241,246 ****
  --- 241,257 ----
  + /* The maximum length of the queue of pending connections, as defined
  +  * by listen(2).  Under some systems, it should be increased if you
  +  * are experiencing a heavy TCP SYN flood attack.
  +  *
  +  * It defaults to 511 instead of 512 because some systems store it 
  +  * as an 8-bit datatype; 512 truncated to 8-bits is 0, while 511 is 
  +  * 255 when truncated.
  +  */
    /* If you have altered Apache and wish to change the SERVER_VERSION
     * identifier below, please keep to the HTTP specification.  This states 
     * the identification string should consist of product tokens with an 

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