sameer      97/07/05 22:37:24

  Modified:    src       CHANGES alloc.c alloc.h http_protocol.c
                        http_protocol.h  mod_cgi.c util_script.c
  Make cgi unbuffered so that nph is only a header thing
  Revision  Changes    Path
  1.323     +2 -0      apache/src/CHANGES
  Index: CHANGES
  RCS file: /export/home/cvs/apache/src/CHANGES,v
  retrieving revision 1.322
  retrieving revision 1.323
  diff -c -C3 -r1.322 -r1.323
  *** CHANGES   1997/07/05 22:12:24     1.322
  --- CHANGES   1997/07/06 05:37:18     1.323
  *** 1,4 ****
  --- 1,6 ----
    Changes with Apache 1.3
  +   *) CGI: Add a select() loop so that CGI scripts don't have to be
  +      nph in order to be "unbuffered". [Sameer Parekh]
      *) Makefile.nt added - to build all the bits from the command line:
            nmake -f Makefile.nt
  1.36      +192 -0    apache/src/alloc.c
  Index: alloc.c
  RCS file: /export/home/cvs/apache/src/alloc.c,v
  retrieving revision 1.35
  retrieving revision 1.36
  diff -c -C3 -r1.35 -r1.36
  *** alloc.c   1997/06/29 19:19:34     1.35
  --- alloc.c   1997/07/06 05:37:18     1.36
  *** 1025,1030 ****
  --- 1025,1222 ----
    #define enc_pipe(fds) pipe(fds)
    #endif /* WIN32 */
  + int spawn_child_err_buff (pool *p, int (*func)(void *), void *data,
  +                       enum kill_conditions kill_how,
  +                       BUFF **pipe_in, BUFF **pipe_out, BUFF **pipe_err)
  + {
  +   int pid;
  +   int in_fds[2];
  +   int out_fds[2];
  +   int err_fds[2];
  +   int save_errno;
  +   block_alarms();
  +   if (pipe_in && enc_pipe (in_fds) < 0)
  +   {
  +       save_errno = errno;
  +       unblock_alarms();
  +       errno = save_errno;
  +       return 0;
  +   }
  +   if (pipe_out && enc_pipe (out_fds) < 0) {
  +     save_errno = errno;
  +     if (pipe_in) {
  +       close (in_fds[0]); close (in_fds[1]);
  +     }
  +     unblock_alarms();
  +     errno = save_errno;
  +     return 0;
  +   }
  +   if (pipe_err && enc_pipe (err_fds) < 0) {
  +     save_errno = errno;
  +     if (pipe_in) {
  +       close (in_fds[0]); close (in_fds[1]);
  +     }
  +     if (pipe_out) {
  +       close (out_fds[0]); close (out_fds[1]);
  +     }
  +     unblock_alarms();
  +     errno = save_errno;
  +     return 0;
  +   }
  + #ifdef WIN32
  +   {
  +       HANDLE thread_handle;
  +       int hStdIn, hStdOut, hStdErr;
  +       int old_priority;
  +       (void)acquire_mutex(spawn_mutex);
  +       thread_handle = GetCurrentThread(); /* doesn't need to be closed */
  +       old_priority = GetThreadPriority(thread_handle);
  +       SetThreadPriority(thread_handle, THREAD_PRIORITY_HIGHEST);
  +       /* Now do the right thing with your pipes */
  +       if(pipe_in)
  +       {
  +           hStdIn = dup(fileno(stdin));
  +           dup2(in_fds[0], fileno(stdin));
  +           close(in_fds[0]);
  +       }
  +       if(pipe_out)
  +       {
  +           hStdOut = dup(fileno(stdout));
  +           dup2(out_fds[1], fileno(stdout));
  +           close(out_fds[1]);
  +       }
  +       if(pipe_err)
  +       {
  +           hStdErr = dup(fileno(stderr));
  +           dup2(err_fds[1], fileno(stderr));
  +           close(err_fds[1]);
  +       }
  +       pid = (*func)(data);
  +       if(!pid)
  +       {
  +           save_errno = errno;
  +           close(in_fds[1]);
  +           close(out_fds[0]);
  +           close(err_fds[0]);
  +       }
  +       /* restore the original stdin, stdout and stderr */
  +       if(pipe_in)
  +           dup2(hStdIn, fileno(stdin));
  +       if(pipe_out)
  +           dup2(hStdOut, fileno(stdout));
  +       if(pipe_err)
  +           dup2(hStdErr, fileno(stderr));
  +       if(pid)
  +       {
  +           note_subprocess(p, pid, kill_how);
  +           if(pipe_in)
  +           {
  +               *pipe_in = bcreate(p, B_WR);
  +           bpushfd(*pipe_in, in_fds[1], in_fds[1]);
  +           }
  +           if(pipe_out)
  +           {
  +               *pipe_out = bcreate(p, B_RD);
  +           bpushfd(*pipe_out, out_fds[0], out_fds[0]);
  +           }
  +           if(pipe_err)
  +           {
  +               *pipe_err = bcreate(p, B_RD);
  +           bpushfd(*pipe_err, err_fds[0], err_fds[0]);
  +           }
  +       }
  +       SetThreadPriority(thread_handle, old_priority);
  +       (void)release_mutex(spawn_mutex);
  +       /*
  +        * go on to the end of the function, where you can
  +        * unblock alarms and return the pid
  +        */
  +   }
  + #else
  +   if ((pid = fork()) < 0) {
  +     save_errno = errno;
  +     if (pipe_in) {
  +       close (in_fds[0]); close (in_fds[1]);
  +     }
  +     if (pipe_out) {
  +       close (out_fds[0]); close (out_fds[1]);
  +     }
  +     if (pipe_err) {
  +       close (err_fds[0]); close (err_fds[1]);
  +     }
  +     unblock_alarms();
  +     errno = save_errno;
  +     return 0;
  +   }
  +   if (!pid) {
  +     /* Child process */
  +     if (pipe_out) {
  +       close (out_fds[0]);
  +       dup2 (out_fds[1], STDOUT_FILENO);
  +       close (out_fds[1]);
  +     }
  +     if (pipe_in) {
  +       close (in_fds[1]);
  +       dup2 (in_fds[0], STDIN_FILENO);
  +       close (in_fds[0]);
  +     }
  +     if (pipe_err) {
  +       close (err_fds[0]);
  +       dup2 (err_fds[1], STDERR_FILENO);
  +       close (err_fds[1]);
  +     }
  +     /* HP-UX SIGCHLD fix goes here, if someone will remind me what it is... 
  +     signal (SIGCHLD, SIG_DFL);      /* Was that it? */
  +     func (data);
  +     exit (1);               /* Should only get here if the exec in func() 
failed */
  +   }
  +   /* Parent process */
  +   note_subprocess (p, pid, kill_how);
  +   if (pipe_out) {
  +     close (out_fds[1]);
  +     *pipe_out = bcreate(p, B_RD);
  +     bpushfd(*pipe_out, out_fds[0], out_fds[0]);
  +   }
  +   if (pipe_in) {
  +     close (in_fds[0]);
  +     *pipe_in = bcreate(p, B_WR);
  +     bpushfd(*pipe_in, in_fds[1], in_fds[1]);
  +   }
  +   if (pipe_err) {
  +     close (err_fds[1]);
  +     *pipe_err = bcreate(p, B_RD);
  +     bpushfd(*pipe_err, err_fds[0], err_fds[0]);
  +   }
  + #endif /* WIN32 */
  +   unblock_alarms();
  +   return pid;
  + }
    int spawn_child_err (pool *p, int (*func)(void *), void *data,
                     enum kill_conditions kill_how,
                     FILE **pipe_in, FILE **pipe_out, FILE **pipe_err)
  1.24      +5 -0      apache/src/alloc.h
  Index: alloc.h
  RCS file: /export/home/cvs/apache/src/alloc.h,v
  retrieving revision 1.23
  retrieving revision 1.24
  diff -c -C3 -r1.23 -r1.24
  *** alloc.h   1997/06/28 20:24:27     1.23
  --- alloc.h   1997/07/06 05:37:19     1.24
  *** 243,248 ****
  --- 243,253 ----
    int spawn_child_err (pool *, int (*)(void *), void *,
                 enum kill_conditions, FILE **pipe_in, FILE **pipe_out,
                     FILE **pipe_err);
  + #if 0
  + int spawn_child_err_buff (pool *, int (*)(void *), void *,
  +               enum kill_conditions, BUFF **pipe_in, BUFF **pipe_out,
  +                   BUFF **pipe_err);
  + #endif
    #define spawn_child(p,f,v,k,in,out) spawn_child_err(p,f,v,k,in,out,NULL)
    /* magic numbers --- min free bytes to consider a free pool block useable,
  1.133     +76 -0     apache/src/http_protocol.c
  Index: http_protocol.c
  RCS file: /export/home/cvs/apache/src/http_protocol.c,v
  retrieving revision 1.132
  retrieving revision 1.133
  diff -c -C3 -r1.132 -r1.133
  *** http_protocol.c   1997/07/05 14:53:57     1.132
  --- http_protocol.c   1997/07/06 05:37:19     1.133
  *** 1516,1521 ****
  --- 1516,1597 ----
        return (chunk_start + len_read);
  + long send_fb_length(BUFF *fb, request_rec *r, long length)
  + {
  +     char buf[IOBUFSIZE];
  +     long total_bytes_sent;
  +     register int n, w, o;
  +     conn_rec *c = r->connection;
  +     if (length == 0) return 0;
  +     total_bytes_sent = 0;
  +     /* Clear out the buffer */
  +     if(fb->incnt != 0)
  +       {
  +     int o;
  +     o = bwrite(c->client, fb->inptr, fb->incnt);
  +     fb->incnt -= o;
  +     fb->inptr += o;
  +     total_bytes_sent += o;
  +       }
  +     /* Make unbuffered */
  +     fb->flags &= ~B_RD;
  +     while(1)
  +       {
  +     fd_set fds;
  +     bflush(c->client);
  +     FD_ZERO(&fds);
  +     FD_SET(fb->fd_in, &fds);
  +     select(FD_SETSIZE, &fds, NULL, NULL, NULL);
  +     while((n = bread(fb, buf, IOBUFSIZE)) < 1
  +           && fb->flags & B_ERROR && errno == EINTR)
  +       continue;
  +     if (n < 1) {
  +             break;
  +         }
  +         o=0;
  +     total_bytes_sent += n;
  +         while (n && !r->connection->aborted) {
  +             w = bwrite(r->connection->client, &buf[o], n);
  +             if (w > 0) {
  +                 reset_timeout(r); /* reset timeout after successful write */
  +                 n-=w;
  +                 o+=w;
  +             }
  +             else if (w < 0) {
  +                 if (r->connection->aborted)
  +                     break;
  +                 else if (errno == EAGAIN)
  +                     continue;
  +                 else {
  +                     log_unixerr("send body lost connection to",
  +                                 get_remote_host(r->connection,
  +                                     r->per_dir_config, REMOTE_NAME),
  +                                 NULL, r->server);
  +                     bsetflag(r->connection->client, B_EOUT, 1);
  +                     r->connection->aborted = 1;
  +                     break;
  +                 }
  +             }
  +         }
  +     }
  +     kill_timeout(r);
  +     SET_BYTES_SENT(r);
  +     return total_bytes_sent;
  + }
  + long send_fb(BUFF *fb, request_rec *r) { return send_fb_length(fb, r, -1); }
    long send_fd(FILE *f, request_rec *r) { return send_fd_length(f, r, -1); }
  1.20      +3 -0      apache/src/http_protocol.h
  Index: http_protocol.h
  RCS file: /export/home/cvs/apache/src/http_protocol.h,v
  retrieving revision 1.19
  retrieving revision 1.20
  diff -c -C3 -r1.19 -r1.20
  *** http_protocol.h   1997/04/07 10:58:38     1.19
  --- http_protocol.h   1997/07/06 05:37:20     1.20
  *** 110,115 ****
  --- 110,118 ----
    long send_fd(FILE *f, request_rec *r);
    long send_fd_length(FILE *f, request_rec *r, long length);
  + long send_fb(BUFF *f, request_rec *r);
  + long send_fb_length(BUFF *f, request_rec *r, long length);
    /* Hmmm... could macrofy these for now, and maybe forever, though the
     * definitions of the macros would get a whole lot hairier.
  1.43      +31 -47    apache/src/mod_cgi.c
  Index: mod_cgi.c
  RCS file: /export/home/cvs/apache/src/mod_cgi.c,v
  retrieving revision 1.42
  retrieving revision 1.43
  diff -c -C3 -r1.42 -r1.43
  *** mod_cgi.c 1997/06/29 17:39:50     1.42
  --- mod_cgi.c 1997/07/06 05:37:20     1.43
  *** 183,189 ****
    static int log_script(request_rec *r, cgi_server_conf *conf, int ret,
  !            char *dbuf, char *sbuf, FILE *script_in, FILE *script_err)
        table *hdrs_arr = r->headers_in;
        table_entry *hdrs = (table_entry *)hdrs_arr->elts;
  --- 183,189 ----
    static int log_script(request_rec *r, cgi_server_conf *conf, int ret,
  !                 char *dbuf, char *sbuf, BUFF *script_in, BUFF *script_err)
        table *hdrs_arr = r->headers_in;
        table_entry *hdrs = (table_entry *)hdrs_arr->elts;
  *** 197,205 ****
        ((f = pfopen(r->pool, server_root_relative(r->pool, conf->logname),
                     "a")) == NULL)) {
          /* Soak up script output */
  !       while (fgets(argsbuffer, MAX_STRING_LEN-1, script_in) != NULL)
  !       while (fgets(argsbuffer, MAX_STRING_LEN-1, script_err) != NULL)
          return ret;
  --- 197,205 ----
        ((f = pfopen(r->pool, server_root_relative(r->pool, conf->logname),
                     "a")) == NULL)) {
          /* Soak up script output */
  !       while (bgets(argsbuffer, MAX_STRING_LEN-1, script_in))
  !       while (bgets(argsbuffer, MAX_STRING_LEN-1, script_err))
          return ret;
  *** 207,213 ****
        /* "%% [Wed Jun 19 10:53:21 1996] GET /cgi-bin/printenv HTTP/1.0" */
        fprintf(f, "%%%% [%s] %s %s%s%s %s\n", get_time(), r->method, r->uri,
            r->args ? "?" : "", r->args ? r->args : "", r->protocol);
  !     /* "%% 500 /usr/local/etc/httpd/cgi-bin */
        fprintf(f, "%%%% %d %s\n", ret, r->filename);
        fputs("%request\n", f);
  --- 207,213 ----
        /* "%% [Wed Jun 19 10:53:21 1996] GET /cgi-bin/printenv HTTP/1.0" */
        fprintf(f, "%%%% [%s] %s %s%s%s %s\n", get_time(), r->method, r->uri,
            r->args ? "?" : "", r->args ? r->args : "", r->protocol);
  !     /* "%% 500 /usr/local/etc/httpd/cgi-bin" */
        fprintf(f, "%%%% %d %s\n", ret, r->filename);
        fputs("%request\n", f);
  *** 216,222 ****
          fprintf(f, "%s: %s\n", hdrs[i].key, hdrs[i].val);
        if ((r->method_number == M_POST || r->method_number == M_PUT)
  !     && dbuf && *dbuf) {
          fprintf(f, "\n%s\n", dbuf);
  --- 216,222 ----
          fprintf(f, "%s: %s\n", hdrs[i].key, hdrs[i].val);
        if ((r->method_number == M_POST || r->method_number == M_PUT)
  !     && *dbuf) {
          fprintf(f, "\n%s\n", dbuf);
  *** 233,259 ****
          fprintf(f, "%s\n", sbuf);
        *argsbuffer = '\0';
  !     fgets(argsbuffer, HUGE_STRING_LEN-1, script_in);
        if (*argsbuffer) {
          fputs("%stdout\n", f);
          fputs(argsbuffer, f);
  !       while (fgets(argsbuffer, HUGE_STRING_LEN-1, script_in) != NULL)
        fputs(argsbuffer, f);
          fputs("\n", f);
        *argsbuffer = '\0';
  !     fgets(argsbuffer, HUGE_STRING_LEN-1, script_err);
        if (*argsbuffer) {
          fputs("%stderr\n", f);
          fputs(argsbuffer, f);
  !       while (fgets(argsbuffer, HUGE_STRING_LEN-1, script_err) != NULL)
        fputs(argsbuffer, f);
          fputs("\n", f);
  !     pfclose(r->main ? r->main->pool : r->pool, script_in);
  !     pfclose(r->main ? r->main->pool : r->pool, script_err);
        pfclose(r->pool, f);
        return ret;
  --- 233,259 ----
          fprintf(f, "%s\n", sbuf);
        *argsbuffer = '\0';
  !     bgets(argsbuffer, HUGE_STRING_LEN-1, script_in);
        if (*argsbuffer) {
          fputs("%stdout\n", f);
          fputs(argsbuffer, f);
  !       while (bgets(argsbuffer, HUGE_STRING_LEN-1, script_in))
        fputs(argsbuffer, f);
          fputs("\n", f);
        *argsbuffer = '\0';
  !     bgets(argsbuffer, HUGE_STRING_LEN-1, script_err);
        if (*argsbuffer) {
          fputs("%stderr\n", f);
          fputs(argsbuffer, f);
  !       while (bgets(argsbuffer, HUGE_STRING_LEN-1, script_err))
        fputs(argsbuffer, f);
          fputs("\n", f);
  !     bclose(script_in);
  !     bclose(script_err);
        pfclose(r->pool, f);
        return ret;
  *** 277,283 ****
        struct cgi_child_stuff *cld = (struct cgi_child_stuff *)child_stuff;
        request_rec *r = cld->r;
        char *argv0 = cld->argv0;
  -     int nph = cld->nph;
        int child_pid;
    #ifdef DEBUG_CGI    
  --- 277,282 ----
  *** 312,321 ****
        if (!cld->debug)
          error_log2stderr (r->server);
  - #if !defined(__EMX__) && !defined(WIN32)
  -     if (nph) client_to_stdout (r->connection);
  - #endif    
        /* Transumute outselves into the script.
         * NB only ISINDEX scripts get decoded arguments.
  --- 311,316 ----
  *** 352,358 ****
        int retval, nph, dbpos = 0;
        char *argv0, *dbuf = NULL;
  !     FILE *script_out, *script_in, *script_err;
        char argsbuffer[HUGE_STRING_LEN];
        int is_included = !strcmp (r->protocol, "INCLUDED");
        void *sconf = r->server->module_config;
  --- 347,353 ----
        int retval, nph, dbpos = 0;
        char *argv0, *dbuf = NULL;
  !     BUFF *script_out, *script_in, *script_err;
        char argsbuffer[HUGE_STRING_LEN];
        int is_included = !strcmp (r->protocol, "INCLUDED");
        void *sconf = r->server->module_config;
  *** 421,435 ****
           * waiting for free_proc_chain to cleanup in the middle of an
           * SSI request -djg
  !       spawn_child_err (r->main ? r->main->pool : r->pool, cgi_child,
  !                         (void *)&cld,
  !                        nph ? just_wait : kill_after_timeout,
  ! #if defined(__EMX__) || defined(WIN32)
  !                        &script_out, &script_in, &script_err))) {
  ! #else
  !                        &script_out, nph ? NULL : &script_in,
  !                        &script_err))) {
  ! #endif
            log_reason ("couldn't spawn child process", r->filename, r);
            return SERVER_ERROR;
  --- 416,425 ----
           * waiting for free_proc_chain to cleanup in the middle of an
           * SSI request -djg
  !       spawn_child_err_buff (r->main ? r->main->pool : r->pool, cgi_child,
  !                             (void *)&cld,
  !                             kill_after_timeout,
  !                             &script_out, &script_in, &script_err))) {
            log_reason ("couldn't spawn child process", r->filename, r);
            return SERVER_ERROR;
  *** 471,477 ****
                dbpos += dbsize;
  !         if (fwrite(argsbuffer, sizeof(char), len_read, script_out)
                    < (size_t)len_read) {
                /* silly script stopped reading, soak up remaining message */
                while (get_client_block(r, argsbuffer, HUGE_STRING_LEN) > 0)
  --- 461,467 ----
                dbpos += dbsize;
  !         if (bwrite(script_out, argsbuffer, len_read)
                    < (size_t)len_read) {
                /* silly script stopped reading, soak up remaining message */
                while (get_client_block(r, argsbuffer, HUGE_STRING_LEN) > 0)
  *** 480,499 ****
  !     fflush (script_out);
        signal (SIGPIPE, handler);
        kill_timeout (r);
  !     pfclose (r->main ? r->main->pool : r->pool, script_out);
        /* Handle script return... */
        if (script_in && !nph) {
            char *location, sbuf[MAX_STRING_LEN];
        int ret;
  !         if ((ret = scan_script_header_err(r, script_in, sbuf)))
            return log_script(r, conf, ret, dbuf, sbuf, script_in, script_err);
        location = table_get (r->headers_out, "Location");
  --- 470,489 ----
  !     bflush (script_out);
        signal (SIGPIPE, handler);
        kill_timeout (r);
  !     bclose(script_out);
        /* Handle script return... */
        if (script_in && !nph) {
            char *location, sbuf[MAX_STRING_LEN];
        int ret;
  !         if ((ret = scan_script_header_err_buff(r, script_in, sbuf)))
            return log_script(r, conf, ret, dbuf, sbuf, script_in, script_err);
        location = table_get (r->headers_out, "Location");
  *** 502,512 ****
            /* Soak up all the script output */
            hard_timeout ("read from script", r);
  !         while (fread(argsbuffer, sizeof(char), HUGE_STRING_LEN, script_in)
  !                > 0)
  !         while (fread(argsbuffer, sizeof(char), HUGE_STRING_LEN, script_err)
  !                > 0)
            kill_timeout (r);
  --- 492,500 ----
            /* Soak up all the script output */
            hard_timeout ("read from script", r);
  !         while (bgets(argsbuffer, HUGE_STRING_LEN-1, script_in))
  !         while (bgets(argsbuffer, HUGE_STRING_LEN-1, script_err))
            kill_timeout (r);
  *** 535,558 ****
        if (!r->header_only)
  !         send_fd(script_in, r);
  !     pfclose (r->main ? r->main->pool : r->pool, script_in);
  -     /* Soak up stderr */
        soft_timeout("soaking script stderr", r);
  !     while (!r->connection->aborted &&
  !       (fread(argsbuffer, sizeof(char), HUGE_STRING_LEN, script_err) > 0))
  !         continue;
  !     pfclose (r->main ? r->main->pool : r->pool, script_err);
  !     if (nph) {
  ! #if defined(__EMX__) || defined(WIN32)
  !         while (fgets(argsbuffer, HUGE_STRING_LEN-1, script_in) != NULL) {
  !             bputs(argsbuffer, r->connection->client);
  !         }
  ! #else
        waitpid(child_pid, (int*)0, 0);
  --- 523,542 ----
        if (!r->header_only)
  !         send_fb(script_in, r);
        soft_timeout("soaking script stderr", r);
  !     while(bgets(argsbuffer, HUGE_STRING_LEN-1, script_err))
  !           continue;
  !     bclose(script_in);
  !     bclose(script_out);
  !     if (script_in && nph) {
  !       send_fb(script_in, r);
  ! #if !defined(__EMX__) && !defined(WIN32)
        waitpid(child_pid, (int*)0, 0);
  1.63      +89 -0     apache/src/util_script.c
  Index: util_script.c
  RCS file: /export/home/cvs/apache/src/util_script.c,v
  retrieving revision 1.62
  retrieving revision 1.63
  diff -c -C3 -r1.62 -r1.63
  *** util_script.c     1997/06/29 19:19:37     1.62
  --- util_script.c     1997/07/06 05:37:20     1.63
  *** 312,317 ****
  --- 312,406 ----
  + int scan_script_header_err_buff(request_rec *r, BUFF *fb, char *buffer)
  + {
  +     char x[MAX_STRING_LEN];
  +     char *w, *l;
  +     int p;
  +     if (buffer) *buffer = '\0';
  +     w = buffer ? buffer : x;
  +     hard_timeout ("read script header", r);
  +     while(1) {
  +     if (bgets(w, MAX_STRING_LEN-1, fb) <= 0) {
  +         log_reason ("Premature end of script headers", r->filename, r);
  +         return SERVER_ERROR;
  +         }
  +     /* Delete terminal (CR?)LF */
  +     p = strlen(w);
  +     if (p > 0 && w[p-1] == '\n')
  +     {
  +         if (p > 1 && w[p-2] == '\015') w[p-2] = '\0';
  +         else w[p-1] = '\0';
  +     }
  +         if(w[0] == '\0') {
  +         kill_timeout (r);
  +         return OK;
  +     }
  +     /* if we see a bogus header don't ignore it. Shout and scream */
  +         if(!(l = strchr(w,':'))) {
  +         char malformed[(sizeof 
  +             strcpy(malformed, MALFORMED_MESSAGE);
  +             strncat(malformed, w, MALFORMED_HEADER_LENGTH_TO_SHOW);
  +         if (!buffer)
  +           /* Soak up all the script output --- may save an outright kill */
  +           while (bgets(w, MAX_STRING_LEN-1, fb) <= 0)
  +             continue;
  +         kill_timeout (r);
  +         log_reason (malformed, r->filename, r);
  +         return SERVER_ERROR;
  +         }
  +         *l++ = '\0';
  +     while (*l && isspace (*l)) ++l;
  +         if(!strcasecmp(w,"Content-type")) {
  +         /* Nuke trailing whitespace */
  +         char *endp = l + strlen(l) - 1;
  +         while (endp > l && isspace(*endp)) *endp-- = '\0';
  +         r->content_type = pstrdup (r->pool, l);
  +     }
  +         else if(!strcasecmp(w,"Status")) {
  +             sscanf(l, "%d", &r->status);
  +             r->status_line = pstrdup(r->pool, l);
  +         }
  +         else if(!strcasecmp(w,"Location")) {
  +         table_set (r->headers_out, w, l);
  +         }   
  +         else if(!strcasecmp(w,"Content-Length")) {
  +         table_set (r->headers_out, w, l);
  +         }   
  +         else if(!strcasecmp(w,"Transfer-Encoding")) {
  +         table_set (r->headers_out, w, l);
  +         }   
  + /* The HTTP specification says that it is legal to merge duplicate
  +  * headers into one.  Some browsers that support Cookies don't like
  +  * merged headers and prefer that each Set-Cookie header is sent
  +  * separately.  Lets humour those browsers.
  +  */
  +     else if(!strcasecmp(w, "Set-Cookie")) {
  +         table_add(r->err_headers_out, w, l);
  +     }
  +         else {
  +         table_merge (r->err_headers_out, w, l);
  +         }
  +     }
  + }
    int scan_script_header_err(request_rec *r, FILE *f, char *buffer)
        char x[MAX_STRING_LEN];
  1.18      +1 -0      apache/src/util_script.h
  Index: util_script.h
  RCS file: /export/home/cvs/apache/src/util_script.h,v
  retrieving revision 1.17
  retrieving revision 1.18
  diff -c -C3 -r1.17 -r1.18
  *** util_script.h     1997/06/15 19:22:35     1.17
  --- util_script.h     1997/07/06 05:37:20     1.18
  *** 64,69 ****
  --- 64,70 ----
    void add_common_vars(request_rec *r);
    #define scan_script_header(a1,a2) scan_script_header_err(a1,a2,NULL)
    int scan_script_header_err(request_rec *r, FILE *f, char *buffer);
  + int scan_script_header_err_buff(request_rec *r, BUFF *f, char *buffer);
    void send_size(size_t size, request_rec *r);
    int call_exec (request_rec *r, char *argv0, char **env, int shellcmd);

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