dgaudet     97/07/13 19:38:07

  Modified:    src       mod_cgi.c mod_include.c mod_mime_magic.c
  Use STD{IN,OUT,ERR}_FILENO as dictated by posix.1.
  Submitted by: Stanley Gambarin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
  Reviewed by:  Dean Gaudet
  Revision  Changes    Path
  1.47      +1 -1      apache/src/mod_cgi.c
  Index: mod_cgi.c
  RCS file: /export/home/cvs/apache/src/mod_cgi.c,v
  retrieving revision 1.46
  retrieving revision 1.47
  diff -C3 -r1.46 -r1.47
  *** mod_cgi.c 1997/07/13 19:20:17     1.46
  --- mod_cgi.c 1997/07/14 02:38:04     1.47
  *** 336,342 ****
        ap_snprintf(err_string, sizeof(err_string),
            "exec of %s failed, reason: %s (errno = %d)\n", 
                r->filename, strerror(errno), errno);
  !     write(2, err_string, strlen(err_string));
        /* NOT REACHED */
  --- 336,342 ----
        ap_snprintf(err_string, sizeof(err_string),
            "exec of %s failed, reason: %s (errno = %d)\n", 
                r->filename, strerror(errno), errno);
  !     write(STDERR_FILENO, err_string, strlen(err_string));
        /* NOT REACHED */
  1.40      +1 -1      apache/src/mod_include.c
  Index: mod_include.c
  RCS file: /export/home/cvs/apache/src/mod_include.c,v
  retrieving revision 1.39
  retrieving revision 1.40
  diff -C3 -r1.39 -r1.40
  *** mod_include.c     1997/07/12 19:46:54     1.39
  --- mod_include.c     1997/07/14 02:38:04     1.40
  *** 663,669 ****
        ap_snprintf(err_string, sizeof(err_string),
        "httpd: exec of %s failed, reason: %s (errno = %d)\n",
        SHELL_PATH, strerror(errno), errno);
  !     write (2, err_string, strlen(err_string));
        /* NOT REACHED */
  --- 663,669 ----
        ap_snprintf(err_string, sizeof(err_string),
        "httpd: exec of %s failed, reason: %s (errno = %d)\n",
        SHELL_PATH, strerror(errno), errno);
  !     write (STDERR_FILENO, err_string, strlen(err_string));
        /* NOT REACHED */
  1.4       +3 -3      apache/src/mod_mime_magic.c
  Index: mod_mime_magic.c
  RCS file: /export/home/cvs/apache/src/mod_mime_magic.c,v
  retrieving revision 1.3
  retrieving revision 1.4
  diff -C3 -r1.3 -r1.4
  *** mod_mime_magic.c  1997/07/12 20:20:35     1.3
  --- mod_mime_magic.c  1997/07/14 02:38:05     1.4
  *** 2249,2265 ****
        switch (fork()) {
        case 0:        /* child */
  !         (void) close(0);
            (void) dup(fdin[0]);
            (void) close(fdin[0]);
            (void) close(fdin[1]);
  !         (void) close(1);
            (void) dup(fdout[1]);
            (void) close(fdout[0]);
            (void) close(fdout[1]);
            if (compr[method].silent)
  !             (void) close(2);
            execvp(compr[method].argv[0], compr[method].argv);
            log_printf(r->server, "%s: could not execute `%s' (%s).", MODNAME,
  --- 2249,2265 ----
        switch (fork()) {
        case 0:        /* child */
  !         (void) close(STDIN_FILENO);
            (void) dup(fdin[0]);
            (void) close(fdin[0]);
            (void) close(fdin[1]);
  !         (void) close(STDOUT_FILENO)
            (void) dup(fdout[1]);
            (void) close(fdout[0]);
            (void) close(fdout[1]);
            if (compr[method].silent)
  !             (void) close(STDERR_FILENO);
            execvp(compr[method].argv[0], compr[method].argv);
            log_printf(r->server, "%s: could not execute `%s' (%s).", MODNAME,

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