akosut      97/09/10 15:41:55

  Modified:    .        how-to-release.html
  Add some tenative instructions for creating pre-InstallSheild Windows
  Revision  Changes    Path
  1.14      +59 -0     apache-devsite/how-to-release.html
  Index: how-to-release.html
  RCS file: /export/home/cvs/apache-devsite/how-to-release.html,v
  retrieving revision 1.13
  retrieving revision 1.14
  diff -u -u -r1.13 -r1.14
  --- how-to-release.html       1997/08/22 07:22:34     1.13
  +++ how-to-release.html       1997/09/10 22:41:53     1.14
  @@ -94,6 +94,65 @@
  +<h2>How to build an Apache Windows release</h2>
  +<strong>Note:</strong> These instructions are temporary, until we have a
  +working installation of InstallShield, which will eventually be used to
  +distribute Apache for Windows. At that time, these instructions will be
  +  <b>[ Building a source release ]</b><br>
  +  <p>
  +  <li>Follow the instructions numbered 3-7 for Unix, to build an Apache
  +      distribution. Be sure to use CVS running on Windows, so that the
  +      linebreaks will be correct (alternately, export the repository with
  +      Unix, and convert all text files - all text files - from \n to
  +      \r\n)
  +  <li>Create a zipfile, using your favorite zip program, containing the
  +      <code>apache_1.X.Y</code> directory. Name this zipfile
  +      <code>apache_1.X.Y-src.zip</code>.
  +      <hr>
  +  <b>[ Building a binary release ]</b><br>
  +  <p>
  +  <li>First, build the source release (see above).
  +  <li>Compile and "install" a release version of Apache:Mbr>
  +      <code><b>> nmake /f Makefile.nt _apacher</b></code><br>
  +      <code><b>> namke /f Makefile.nt installr</b></code>
  +  <li>Rename the directory<br>
  +      <code><b>> move \Apache \Apache_1.X.Y</b></code>
  +  <li>Move the configuration files into the correct place<br>
  +      <code><b>> copy conf\access.conf-dist-win
  +      \Apache_1.X.Y\access.conf-dist</b></code><br>
  +      <code><b>> copy conf\httpd.conf-dist-win
  +      \Apache_1.X.Y\httpd.conf-dist</b></code><br>
  +      <code><b>> copy conf\srm.conf-dist-win
  +      \Apache_1.X.Y\srm.conf</b></code><br>
  +      <code><b>> copy conf\mime.types
  +      \Apache_1.X.Y\mime.types</b></code><br>
  +      <code><b>> copy conf\magic
  +      \Apache_1.X.Y\magic</b></code>
  +  <li>Move the HTML documents into place<br>
  +      <code><b>> copy htdocs \Apache_1.X.Y\htdocs</b></code>
  +  <li>Copy the readme file<br>
  +      <code><b>> copy README.NT \Apache_1.X.Y\readme.txt</b></code>
  +  <li>Install the Visual C++ runtime DLLs, wherever it is they need to
  +      go (???)
  +  <li>Create a zipfile of <code>\Apache_1.X.Y</code> named
  +      <code>apache_1.X.Y-bin.zip</code>.      
   <!--#include virtual="footer.html" -->
   Written by Alexei Kosut and Ralf S. Engelschall.

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