dgaudet     98/03/12 23:11:03

  Modified:    src/main util_uri.c
  Deal with the performance problem in parse_uri_components().  This new
  version is over two orders of magnitude faster based on timing trials
  requesting the test page from mod_test_util_uri.  It's 50% faster overall
  when doing a zb /index.html with the default index.html.
  I'm still resiting the urge to hardcode i386 assembly language with
  a C fallback for the rest of the world ;)
  Revision  Changes    Path
  1.9       +205 -191  apache-1.3/src/main/util_uri.c
  Index: util_uri.c
  RCS file: /export/home/cvs/apache-1.3/src/main/util_uri.c,v
  retrieving revision 1.8
  retrieving revision 1.9
  diff -u -r1.8 -r1.9
  --- util_uri.c        1998/03/07 21:39:28     1.8
  +++ util_uri.c        1998/03/13 07:11:02     1.9
  @@ -197,182 +197,15 @@
       return ret;
  -/* This will serve as the basis for an optimized parse_uri_components, sorry
  - * about the if 0
  +/* The regex version of parse_uri_components has the advantage that it is
  + * relatively easy to understand and extend.  But it has the disadvantage
  + * that the regexes are complex enough that regex libraries really
  + * don't do a great job with them performancewise.
  + *
  + * The default is a hand coded scanner that is two orders of magnitude
  + * faster.
  -#if 0
  -/* parse_uri_components():
  - * Parse a given URI, fill in all supplied fields of a uri_components
  - * structure. This eliminates the necessity of extracting host, port,
  - * path, query info repeatedly in the modules.
  - * Side effects:
  - *  - fills in fields of uri_components *uptr
  - *  - none on any of the r->* fields
  - */
  -API_EXPORT(int) parse_uri_components(pool *p, const char *uri, 
uri_components *uptr)
  -    const char *s;
  -    int ret = HTTP_OK;
  -    /* Initialize the structure. parse_uri() and parse_uri_components()
  -     * can be called more than once per request.
  -     */
  -    memset (uptr, '\0', sizeof(*uptr));
  -    uptr->is_initialized = 1;
  -    /* A proxy request contains a ':' early on (after the scheme),
  -     * but not as first character. RFC1738 allows [a-zA-Z0-9-+.]:
  -     */
  -    for (s = uri; s != '\0'; s++)
  -     if (!isalnum(*s) && *s != '+' && *s != '-' && *s != '.')
  -         break;
  -    if (s == uri || s[0] != ':' || s[1] == '\0') {
  -     /* not a full URL (not: scheme://host/path), so no proxy request: */
  -     /* Store path, without the optional "?query" argument: */
  -     uptr->path = getword (p, &uri, '?');
  -     if (uptr->path[0] == '\0') {
  -         uptr->path = NULL;
  -     }
  -     if (uri[0] != '\0') {
  -         uptr->query = pstrdup(p, uri);
  -     }
  -#if defined(__EMX__) || defined(WIN32)
  -     /* Handle path translations for OS/2 and plug security hole.
  -      * This will prevent "http://www.wherever.com/..\..\/"; from
  -      * returning a directory for the root drive.
  -      */
  -     for (s = uptr->path; (s = strchr(s, '\\')) != NULL; )
  -         *(char *)s = '/';
  -#ifndef WIN32   /* for OS/2 only: */
  -     /* Fix OS/2 HPFS filename case problem. */
  -     uptr->path = strlwr(uptr->path);
  -#endif  /* __EMX__ || WIN32 */
  -    }
  -    else {
  -     /* Yes, it is a proxy request. We've detected the scheme, now
  -      * we split the URI's components and mark what we've found:
  -      * - scheme
  -      *   followed by "://", then:
  -      * - [ username [ ":" password ] "@" ]
  -      * - hostname
  -      * [ ":" port ]
  -      * [ "/" path ... [ "?" query ] ]
  -      */
  -     /* As per RFC1738:
  -      * The generic form of a URL is:
  -      *   genericurl     = scheme ":" schemepart
  -      *
  -      * the scheme is in lower case; interpreters should use case-ignore
  -      *   scheme         = 1*[ lowalpha | digit | "+" | "-" | "." ]
  -      *
  -      * Extract the scheme:
  -      */
  -     s = uri;
  -     uptr->scheme = getword(p, &s, ':');
  -     if (uptr->scheme[0] == '\0') {
  -         uptr->scheme = NULL;
  -     }
  -     /*  URL schemeparts for ip based protocols:
  -      *
  -      * ip-schemepart  = "//" login [ "/" urlpath ]
  -      *
  -      * login          = [ user [ ":" password ] "@" ] hostport
  -      * hostport       = host [ ":" port ]
  -      * host           = hostname | hostnumber
  -      * hostname       = *[ domainlabel "." ] toplabel
  -      * domainlabel    = alphadigit | alphadigit *[ alphadigit | "-" ] 
  -      * toplabel       = alpha | alpha *[ alphadigit | "-" ] alphadigit
  -      * alphadigit     = alpha | digit
  -      * hostnumber     = digits "." digits "." digits "." digits
  -      * port           = digits
  -      * user           = *[ uchar | ";" | "?" | "&" | "=" ]
  -      * password       = *[ uchar | ";" | "?" | "&" | "=" ]
  -      * urlpath        = *xchar
  -      */
  -     /* if IP-schemepart follows, extract host, port etc. */
  -     if (s[0] == '/' && s[1] == '/') {
  -         char *tmp;
  -         s += 2;
  -         if ((tmp = strchr(s, '/')) != NULL) {
  -             /* In the request_rec structure, the uri is not
  -              * separated into path & query for proxy requests.
  -              * But here, we want maximum knowledge about the request,
  -              * so we still split them. */
  -             uptr->path = getword_nc(p, &tmp, '?');
  -             if (uptr->path[0] == '\0') {
  -                 uptr->path = NULL;
  -             }
  -             if (tmp[0] != '\0') {
  -                 uptr->query = pstrdup(p, tmp);
  -             }
  -         }
  -         else {
  -             /* the request is just http://hostname - no trailing slash.
  -              * Provide one:
  -              */
  -             uptr->path = "/";
  -         }
  -         uptr->hostname = getword (p, &s, '/');
  -         if (uptr->hostname[0] == '\0') {
  -             uptr->hostname = NULL;
  -         }
  -         /* disintegrate "[EMAIL PROTECTED]" */
  -         /* NOTE: using reverse search here because user:password might
  -          * contain a '@' as well (ftp login: user=ftp : [EMAIL PROTECTED])
  -          */
  -         if ((tmp = strrchr(uptr->hostname, '@')) != NULL) {
  -             uptr->user = uptr->hostname;
  -             *tmp++ = '\0';
  -             uptr->hostname = tmp;
  -             /* disintegrate "user:password" */
  -             if ((tmp = strchr(uptr->user, ':')) != NULL) {
  -                 *tmp++ = '\0';
  -                 uptr->password = tmp;
  -             }
  -         }
  -         /* disintegrate "host:port" */
  -         if ((tmp = strchr(uptr->hostname, ':')) != NULL) {
  -             *tmp++ = '\0';
  -             uptr->port_str = tmp;
  -             uptr->port = (unsigned short) strtol(tmp, &tmp, 10);
  -             /* Catch possible problem: http://www.apache.org:80@@@/dist/ */
  -             if (*tmp != '\0')
  -                 ret = HTTP_BAD_REQUEST;
  -         }
  -         /* Strip any trailing dots in hostname */
  -         tmp = &uptr->hostname[strlen(uptr->hostname)-1];
  -         for (; *tmp == '.' && tmp > uptr->hostname; --tmp)
  -             *tmp = '\0';
  -         /* This name hasn't been looked up yet */
  -         uptr->dns_looked_up = 0;
  -     }
  -     /* If the ip-schemepart doesn't start with "//", deny: */
  -     else
  -         ret = HTTP_BAD_REQUEST;
  -    }
  -    return ret;
  +#ifdef UTIL_URI_REGEX
   static regex_t re_uri;
   static regex_t re_hostpart;
  @@ -382,6 +215,14 @@
       int ret;
       const char *re_str;
  +    memset(uri_delims, 0, sizeof(uri_delims));
  +    uri_delims[':'] = T_COLON;
  +    uri_delims['/'] = T_SLASH;
  +    uri_delims['?'] = T_QUESTION;
  +    uri_delims['#'] = T_HASH;
  +    uri_delims['@'] = T_AT;
  +    uri_delims['\0'] = T_NUL;
       /* This is a modified version of the regex that appeared in
        * draft-fielding-uri-syntax-01.  It doesnt allow the uri to contain a
        * scheme but no hostinfo or vice versa. 
  @@ -437,6 +278,7 @@
   /* parse_uri_components():
    * Parse a given URI, fill in all supplied fields of a uri_components
    * structure. This eliminates the necessity of extracting host, port,
  @@ -535,24 +377,196 @@
  -#if defined(__EMX__) || defined(WIN32)
  -    /* Handle path translations for OS/2 and plug security hole.
  -     * This will prevent "http://www.wherever.com/..\..\/"; from
  -     * returning a directory for the root drive.
  +    if (ret == 0)
  +     ret = HTTP_OK;
  +    return ret;
  +/* Here is the hand-optimized parse_uri_components().  There are some wild
  + * tricks we could pull in assembly language that we don't pull here... like 
  + * can do word-at-time scans for delimiter characters using the same 
  + * that fast memchr()s use.  But that would be way non-portable. -djg
  + */
  +/* We have a table that we can index by character and it tells us if the
  + * character is one of the interesting delimiters.  Note that we even get
  + * compares for NUL for free -- it's just another delimiter.
  + */
  +#define T_COLON              0x01    /* ':' */
  +#define T_SLASH              0x02    /* '/' */
  +#define T_QUESTION   0x04    /* '?' */
  +#define T_HASH               0x08    /* '#' */
  +#define T_AT         0x10    /* '@' */
  +#define T_NUL                0x80    /* '\0' */
  +static unsigned char uri_delims[256];
  +/* it works like this:
  +    if (uri_delims[ch] & NOTEND_foobar) {
  +     then we're not at a delimiter for foobar
  +    }
  +/* Note that we optimize the scheme scanning here, we cheat and let the
  + * compiler know that it doesn't have to do the & masking.
  + */
  +#define NOTEND_SCHEME        (0xff)
  +void util_uri_init(void)
  +    memset(uri_delims, 0, sizeof(uri_delims));
  +    uri_delims[':'] = T_COLON;
  +    uri_delims['/'] = T_SLASH;
  +    uri_delims['?'] = T_QUESTION;
  +    uri_delims['#'] = T_HASH;
  +    uri_delims['@'] = T_AT;
  +    uri_delims['\0'] = T_NUL;
  +/* Since we know that the string we're duping is of exactly length l
  + * we don't need to go through the expensive (silly) pstrndup().  We
  + * can do much better on our own.  This is worth another 50%
  + * improvement.
  + */
  +static char *special_strdup(pool *p, const char *s, size_t l)
  +    char *d;
  +    d = palloc(p, l + 1);
  +    memcpy(d, s, l);
  +    d[l] = '\0';
  +    return d;
  +/* parse_uri_components():
  + * Parse a given URI, fill in all supplied fields of a uri_components
  + * structure. This eliminates the necessity of extracting host, port,
  + * path, query info repeatedly in the modules.
  + * Side effects:
  + *  - fills in fields of uri_components *uptr
  + *  - none on any of the r->* fields
  + */
  +API_EXPORT(int) parse_uri_components(pool *p, const char *uri, 
uri_components *uptr)
  +    const char *s;
  +    const char *s1;
  +    const char *hostinfo;
  +    char *endstr;
  +    int port;
  +    /* Initialize the structure. parse_uri() and parse_uri_components()
  +     * can be called more than once per request.
  -    {
  -     char *s;
  +    memset (uptr, '\0', sizeof(*uptr));
  +    uptr->is_initialized = 1;
  -     for (s = uptr->path; (s = strchr(s, '\\')) != NULL; )
  -         *s = '/';
  +    /* We assume the processor has a branch predictor like most --
  +     * it assumes forward branches are untaken and backwards are taken.  
  +     * the reason for the gotos.  -djg
  +     */
  +    if (uri[0] == '/') {
  +     /* we expect uri to point to first character of path ... remember
  +      * that the path could be empty -- http://foobar?query for example
  +      */
  +     s = uri;
  +     while ((uri_delims[*(unsigned char *)s] & NOTEND_PATH) == 0) {
  +         ++s;
  +     }
  +     if (s != uri) {
  +         uptr->path = special_strdup(p, uri, s - uri);
  +     }
  +     if (*s == 0) {
  +         return HTTP_OK;
  +     }
  +     if (*s == '?') {
  +         ++s;
  +         s1 = strchr(s, '#');
  +         if (s1) {
  +             uptr->fragment = pstrdup(p, s1 + 1);
  +             uptr->query = special_strdup(p, s, s1 - s);
  +         }
  +         else {
  +             uptr->query = pstrdup(p, s);
  +         }
  +         return HTTP_OK;
  +     }
  +     /* otherwise it's a fragment */
  +     uptr->fragment = pstrdup(p, s + 1);
  +     return HTTP_OK;
  -#ifndef WIN32   /* for OS/2 only: */
  -    /* Fix OS/2 HPFS filename case problem. */
  -    str_tolower(uptr->path);
  -#endif  /* __EMX__ || WIN32 */
  -    if (ret == 0)
  -     ret = HTTP_OK;
  -    return ret;
  +    /* find the scheme: */
  +    s = uri;
  +    while ((uri_delims[*(unsigned char *)s] & NOTEND_SCHEME) == 0) {
  +     ++s;
  +    }
  +    /* scheme must be non-empty and followed by :// */
  +    if (s == uri || s[0] != ':' || s[1] != '/' || s[2] != '/') {
  +     goto deal_with_path;    /* backwards predicted taken! */
  +    }
  +    uptr->scheme = special_strdup(p, uri, s - uri);
  +    s += 3;
  +    hostinfo = s;
  +    while ((uri_delims[*(unsigned char *)s] & NOTEND_HOSTINFO) == 0) {
  +     ++s;
  +    }
  +    uri = s; /* whatever follows hostinfo is start of uri */
  +    uptr->hostinfo = special_strdup(p, hostinfo, uri - hostinfo);
  +    /* If there's a username:[EMAIL PROTECTED]:port, the @ we want is the 
last @...
  +     * too bad there's no memrchr()... For the C purists, note that hostinfo
  +     * is definately not the first character of the original uri so therefore
  +     * &hostinfo[-1] < &hostinfo[0] ... and this loop is valid C.
  +     */
  +    s = uri;
  +    do {
  +     --s;
  +    } while (s >= hostinfo && *s != '@');
  +    if (s < hostinfo) {
  +     /* again we want the common case to be fall through */
  +     /* We expect hostinfo to point to the first character of
  +      * the hostname.  If there's a port it is the first colon.
  +      */
  +     s = memchr(hostinfo, ':', uri - hostinfo);
  +     if (s == NULL) {
  +         /* we expect the common case to have no port */
  +         uptr->hostname = special_strdup(p, hostinfo, uri - hostinfo);
  +         goto deal_with_path;
  +     }
  +     uptr->hostname = special_strdup(p, hostinfo, s - hostinfo);
  +     ++s;
  +     uptr->port_str = special_strdup(p, s, uri - s);
  +     if (uri != s) {
  +         port = strtol(uptr->port_str, &endstr, 10);
  +         uptr->port = port;
  +         if (*endstr == '\0' && uptr->port == port) {
  +             goto deal_with_path;
  +         }
  +         /* Invalid characters after ':' found */
  +         return HTTP_BAD_REQUEST;
  +     }
  +     uptr->port = default_port_for_scheme(uptr->scheme);
  +     goto deal_with_path;
  +    }
  +    /* first colon delimits username:password */
  +    s1 = memchr(hostinfo, ':', s - hostinfo);
  +    if (s1) {
  +     uptr->user = special_strdup(p, hostinfo, s1 - hostinfo);
  +     ++s1;
  +     uptr->password = special_strdup(p, s1, s - s1);
  +    }
  +    else {
  +     uptr->user = special_strdup(p, hostinfo, s - hostinfo);
  +    }
  +    hostinfo = s + 1;
  +    goto deal_with_host;

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