coar        99/05/04 12:17:39

  Modified:    htdocs/manual env.html
        Add the 'force-no-vary' envariable to the list of specials, and
        put the entire list into alphabetical order.
  Revision  Changes    Path
  1.9       +30 -12    apache-1.3/htdocs/manual/env.html
  Index: env.html
  RCS file: /home/cvs/apache-1.3/htdocs/manual/env.html,v
  retrieving revision 1.8
  retrieving revision 1.9
  diff -u -r1.8 -r1.9
  --- env.html  1998/02/05 20:04:08     1.8
  +++ env.html  1999/05/04 19:17:37     1.9
  @@ -14,32 +14,50 @@
   <!--#include virtual="header.html" -->
   <H1 ALIGN="CENTER">Special Purpose Environment Variables</H1>
  -<P>Interoperability problems have led to the introduction of
  +Interoperability problems have led to the introduction of
   mechanisms to modify the way Apache behaves when talking to particular
   clients. To make these mechanisms as flexible as possible, they
   are invoked by defining environment variables, typically with
   <A HREF="mod/mod_browser.html#browsermatch">BrowserMatch</A>, though
   <A HREF="mod/mod_env.html#setenv">SetEnv</A> and
   <A HREF="mod/mod_env.html#passenv">PassEnv</A> could also be used, for
  -This disables <A HREF="mod/core.html#keepalive">KeepAlive</A> when set. 
  -of problems with Netscape 2.x and KeepAlive, we recommend the following
  -directive be used:
  -BrowserMatch Mozilla/2 nokeepalive
  +This forces the request to be treated as a HTTP/1.0 request even if it
  +was in a later dialect.
  +This causes any <CODE>Vary</CODE> fields to be removed from the response
  +header before it is sent back to the client.  Some clients don't
  +interpret this field correctly (see the
  +<A HREF="misc/known_client_problems.html">known client problems</A>
  +page); setting this variable can work around this problem.  Setting
  +this variable also implies <STRONG>force-response-1.0</STRONG>.
   This forces an HTTP/1.0 response when set. It was originally implemented as a
   result of a problem with AOL's proxies.  Some clients may not behave 
   when given an HTTP/1.1 response, and this can be used to interoperate with
  -<P>This forces the request to be treated as a HTTP/1.0 request even if it
  -was in a later dialect.
  +This disables <A HREF="mod/core.html#keepalive">KeepAlive</A> when set. 
  +of problems with Netscape 2.x and KeepAlive, we recommend the following
  +directive be used:
  +    BrowserMatch Mozilla/2 nokeepalive
   <!--#include virtual="footer.html" -->

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