coar        99/09/05 08:35:12

  Added:       .        donations.html
        First draft of the 'why/how/what to donate' document.
  Revision  Changes    Path
  1.1                  apachegroup-site/donations.html
  Index: donations.html
  <!doctype html public "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//EN"
    <title>Donating to the Apache Software Foundation</title>
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    <h2 align="center">Donating to the Apache Software Foundation</h2>
    The <a href="";>Apache Software Foundation</a>
    is a not-for-profit corporation dedicated to producing and supporting
    open-source software development projects.  It grew directly from
    The Apache Group, which is a group of roughly two dozen volunteer
    software developers who mostly worked on the HTTP (Web) server
    in their spare time for fun, or to make enhancements they needed
    personally.  (See the "<a href="/ABOUT_APACHE">About Apache</a>"
    document for more information.)
    As a result of being a not-for-profit volunteer-based organisation,
    the Apache Software Foundation relies entirely on donations.  The
    most common donation is time, from users and developers, but
    there <i>is</i> a need for donations of money.  That's what this page
    is about.
    <h3>Why you should donate</h3>
    This is largely a philosophical question, and as usual with such, there
    is no single answer for everyone.
    Individuals may choose to donate time
    or otherwise contribute because they want to see particular bug-fixes or
    features make it into the baseline software, or because they hope that
    they'll become known through their contributions (and hence potentially
    more employable), or because they simply feel it's the Right Thing to do,
    or for almost any other reason.
    Companies may choose to donate for similar reasons, such as desiring to
    support the further development of quality software that they've found
    useful or even crucial to their business, or perhaps they wish to get
    some positive PR from their support of an organisation dedicated to
    opern-source development.  Unfortunately, since the ASF
    isn't a non-profit company, corporate donations can't be made
    as tax write-offs.  Our recommendation to companies that want to
    donate goods or money (as opposed to services or employee time) is that the
    donation be considered part of the cost of doing business -- in other
    words, a business expense.
    <h3>What the Foundation needs</h3>
    What the ASF needs boils down to the usual trite items: time &amp; money.
    'Time' in terms of effort by individuals to work on the various projects,
    and 'money' to handle things that, well, require money.  (A list of these
    latter items can be found <a href="#grants">below</a>.)
    The Foundation can definitely use donations of time from people
    willing to work on
     <li>Documentation (particularly HTML)</li>
     <li>Bug reports (both fixing open bugs, and cleaning up old reports
      that have been fixed but not yet closed)</li>
     <li>Software coding</li>
    For some reason, most of the contributions we get are in the last
    area. &lt;grin&gt;
    <h3>What you should donate</h3>
    This is really a question you need to answer for yourself.  It depends
    entirely upon what you have to offer.  Money is always good, because
    it can be exchanged for goods or services
    needed by the Foundation and its projects.  Time is also an excellent
    thing to contribute; there's more than enough work for people willing
    to do it.  Hardware and software donations are good, but usually by
    their very nature end up having to be allocated to individual contributors.
    If you have any questions, contact the Secretary of the Foundation
    and he will advise you about the current needs of the Foundation and its
    projects.  He can check to see if any of the projects, or the Foundation
    itself, can use what you'd like to give.
    <h3>How to donate</h3>
    If you want to donate something other than money, you should take a look
    at the list of Foundation projects (see the
    <a href="projects.html">projects page</a>) and choose one to
    which you'd like to contribute.  Then contact one of the members of
    that project's management committee (see the individual project's
    pages for the list) and ask how you can contribute.  If you're not
    sure with which project you want to be involved, or you want to
    donate to the Foundation itself, contact the Secretary of the Foundation.
    If you intend to donate funds, please send them to the Treasurer of
    the Foundation at the following address:
     The Apache Software Foundation<br>
     <sup>c</sup>/o Covalent Technologies, Inc.<br>
     1200 'N' Street, Suite 112<br>
     Lincoln, NE   68508<br>
    Please include a cover letter identifying the grant to which you would
    like your donation applied (specify the 'general fund' if you have no
    preference), and a postal address to which a receipt may be sent.
     <b>Remember: Donations to the Apache Software Foundation are <i>not</i>
     tax-deductible in the United States!</b>
    <a name="grants"> </a>
    <h2>Current 'grant' efforts</h2>
    Here is a list of things for which the Foundation needs monetary donations.
    If you contribute funds to the Foundation, you can indicate to which of
    these grants you would like your donation applied (less a small percentage
    that will be allocated to the ASF general fund for emergency allocation
    and overhead coverage).
    <h3>Grant: Retainer for Legal Counsel</h3>
    The Apache Software Foundation has an ongoing need for legal assistance in
    matters such as contract law, software licencing, management of trademarks
    and other intellectual property, and corporate procedures.  Donations
    for this grant may either be in the form of monetary contributions to
    offset the cost of retaining a law firm, or a <i>pro bono</i> donation
    of services from such a firm.
     <tr valign="top">
      <td align="left">Total amount needed:</td>
      <td align="right">US$25,000</td>
     <tr valign="top">
      <td align="left">Donated so far:</td>
      <td align="right">US$0</td>
     <tr valign="top">
      <td align="left">Date needed:</td>
      <td align="right">Immediate</td>
     <tr valign="top">
      <td align="left">Recurrence:</td>
      <td align="right">Annual</td>
    <h3>Grant: Public/Press Relations Firm</h3>
    Due to its growth and the intensity of the attention focussed on it,
    the Apache Software Foundation has a need for a professional public- and
    press-relations firm to deal with press releases, requests for speakers,
    interviews, and announcements.  These services are currently being
    provided <i>pro bono</i> by the
    <a href="";>ZOT Group</a>,
    but this is a short-term donation on their part.  The ASF needs
    funding to either extend the contract with ZOT, or to retain another
    firm -- preferably the former.
     <tr valign="top">
      <td align="left">Total amount needed:</td>
      <td align="right">US$25,000</td>
     <tr valign="top">
      <td align="left">Donated so far:</td>
      <td align="right">US$0</td>
     <tr valign="top">
      <td align="left">Date needed:</td>
      <td align="right">31 December 1999</td>
     <tr valign="top">
      <td align="left">Recurrence:</td>
      <td align="right">Annual</td>
    <h3>Grant: Conference Planning Expenses</h3>
    The Apache Software Foundation intends to hold conferences for users and
    developers of the Foundation software packages on an annual basis, if
    not more frequently.  Indeed, the planning for the first ASF ApacheCon
    is already underway.  This grant is to cover the pre-conference
    (and therefore pre-revenue) costs of things like advertising,
    planning meetings, and site visits.
     <tr valign="top">
      <td align="left">Total amount needed:</td>
      <td align="right">US$20,000</td>
     <tr valign="top">
      <td align="left">Donated so far:</td>
      <td align="right">US$0</td>
     <tr valign="top">
      <td align="left">Date needed:</td>
      <td align="right">1 June 2000</td>
     <tr valign="top">
      <td align="left">Recurrence:</td>
      <td align="right">At least annual</td>
    <h3>Grant: HTTP Server Developer's Meeting</h3>
    Although the Apache HTTP server development effort has been around for
    nearly half a decade, most of the developers had not actually met one
    another until June of 1998, when a grant from IBM Corporation made a
    face-to-face meeting possible.  (Almost all discussion takes place
    <i>via</i> email.)  That meeting was extremely productive, and the HTTP
    Server Project would like to repeat it before June of 2000.  The
    grant is to cover the travel, lodging, meal, and incidental expenses of
    bringing from ten to twenty developers together, from all over the
    world, for two or three days.
     <tr valign="top">
      <td align="left">Total amount needed:</td>
      <td align="right">US$25,000</td>
     <tr valign="top">
      <td align="left">Donated so far:</td>
      <td align="right">US$0</td>
     <tr valign="top">
      <td align="left">Date needed:</td>
      <td align="right">30 September 1999</td>
     <tr valign="top">
      <td align="left">Recurrence:</td>
      <td align="right">One-time grant for 1999</td>
    <h3>Grant: PHP Developer's Meeting in Israel</h3>
    The PHP Development Team is looking for funding to cover expenses in order
    for the principal developers to meet face-to-face.  Tens of thousands
    of people use PHP every day and hundreds of companies rely on it heavily.
    Out of the hundred people that have contributed directly to PHP, a core
    group of about 8 people has worked tirelessly for years.  Despite this
    close collaboration, they have never actually sat down in the same room and
    gotten to know each other.  It is believed a meeting of the current main
    PHP developers would be very beneficial and would help ensure continued
    productivity and cohesiveness of the team.  Since two of the main
    developers are in the Israeli army and cannot leave Israel, the meeting
    needs to held there.  Therefore, the proposal is to hold a 4-day meeting
    in Tel-Aviv from January 21 to January 24, 2000.
     <tr valign="top">
      <td align="left">Total amount needed:</td>
      <td align="right">US$25,000</td>
     <tr valign="top">
      <td align="left">Donated so far:</td>
      <td align="right">US$0</td>
     <tr valign="top">
      <td align="left">Date needed:</td>
      <td align="right">30 November 1999</td>
     <tr valign="top">
      <td align="left">Recurrence:</td>
      <td align="right">One-time grant for 2000</td>

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