
When session is used:

As was rightly pointed out last year in this thread:

if one authenticates a user when he connects to APE server the first
time, we do it in the hook on CONNECT.

However, if the user logs out from PHP, logins again with a different
username, connects to APE, then CONNECT is not sent but SESSION. Which
means that the user will not be authenticated.

I tried a few workaround but nothing seems to work:

1) in Ape.registerHookCmd("session",..), I'd like to return false, or
[004,BAD_SESSID] or anything that would prevent the old session to be
accepted, but there seems to be now way to prevent the hook to do
anything valuable. Is there a way?

2) I tried delete (info.user) in Ape.registerHookCmd("session",..) but
is does not help

3) I might also try to delete the session in
Ape.registerHookCmd("session",..) but it is a known fact that the
server can't kill a session before the 45 seconds. I am still
wondering why there is this limitation. It makes me crazy. Many cases
would be easily solved if this feature existed.

Of course, I can certainly use clearsession on the client side before
every connection. To force the client to use CONNECT. But 1) that's
not pretty 2) a hacker can easily remove this clearsession to get
access to the unauthenticated session...

Any thoughts on this?

Many thanks.


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