Something is broken for sure and i think  i know exactly what it is. I made
post a while ago about it. A unipipe(user) should be able to comunicate
with another unipipe, is in the documentation or wiki somewhere. After all
a multipipe(channel) is just a collection of unipipes.

Here what i wrote a while ago!searchin/ape-project/Uni-pipe/ape-project/ICwOD2VE6-I/NYHN7xrgbkQJ

Sent from my iPhone

On Feb 29, 2012, at 4:32 PM, Louis Charette <>


First of all, do you know if you're using the APE sessions? I don't, so
maybe what I'm gonna say won't be the same for you.

The way I created my chat system, the private chat sessions have their own
APE channel ("prvchat{userID 1}u{userID 2}"). I go thought the list of all
connected user and if the ID match, I make them join this new channel.
After that, it's the same as the public chat.

This article can somehow be useful regarding user management if you haven't
read it:

  - Louis

Le 2012-02-29 à 14:49, Rossco a écrit :

> I'm back with this one...
> I have written my script for creating private chat boxes but I still don't
> quite understand how to send to unipipes.  The documentation is not helpful
> at all and the demos don't even work with IE so I don't see this being
> useful for what I'm trying to do.
> Has anyone created a simple 1 on 1 chat system?  I can send messages to
> people individually but all users are receiving messages at the same
> time... if that makes sense.  I need some extra help on how to aim messages
> directly to a person so to speak.
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