I never used the session feature of APr for my chat. Basically, when you don't 
restore de pipe and everything with the session, the user who refresh the page 
will be present "twice" in the chat room.

In my case, I coded a little function that check how many time a user is in the 
use list before updating it, preventing showing them twice in the list. 

I find it easier this way since I only have one function when a user join the 
chat rather than one for first connexion and one for session restore. I also 
had other problems with the session, therefor I never really used it.

Hope this is helpfull.

Envoyé de mon iPhone

Le 2012-04-06 à 15:14, Micael Ribeiros <xtcp.m...@gmail.com> a écrit :

> Hello,
> Im coding an APE project to mimic IRC (Internet Relay Chat) features.
> For who doesnt know IRC is a multi-channel/private chat with a lot of
> features.
> My question is, how would I benefic from restoring an user APE
> session, for example, when a user refreshes the page.
> Does resetting a user session/pubid fire userjoin events on the user
> again? For example if a user refreshes the page and the pubid is
> restore does the user receive a userjoin event on the channels that he
> was previously in?
> Do the other users on the channels that the user who refreshed also
> receive an userjoin event again? (The purpose of restoring a user
> session would be not to do that agian)
> What proper steps should I take in order to properly restore a user
> session, both on server and client.
> Whould it be better to restore it or just make the clients ignore the
> userjoin event if the user was already on the channel?
> Regards
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