
Ok progress is being made albeit slowly. Running checktools results in the 

Running test : Init
Running test : Loading Client
Running test : Loading config
Config values are : 

identifier : ape
init : true
frequency : 0
scripts : 
baseUrl : http://mywebsite.com/APE_JSF
domain : mywebsite.com
server : ape.mywebsite.com:6969

Running test : Setting document.domain
Running test : Checking APE.Config.baseUrl
APE JSF Version 1.0
Running test : Contacting APE Server
Can't contact APE Server. Please check the your APE Server is running and 
the folowing url is pointing to your APE server : 
mywebsite.com:6969 <http://ape.niftynotes.com.au:6969/>
Something went wrong. If you can't fix it by yourself post a message on the 
newsgroups <http://groups.google.com/group/ape-project/> with the output 
below or join our IRC channel <irc://irc.freenode.net/ape-project>

Ape has been installed into the folder: /etc/ape/APE_Server

Ape.conf file has the following:
Server {
    port = 6969
    daemon = no
    ip_listen =
    domain = mywebsite.com
    rlimit_nofile = 10000
    pid_file = /var/run/aped.pid

APE JSF has been installed in: /home/mywebsite/public_html/APE_JSF

APE JSF conf file has the following:
APE.Config.baseUrl = 'http://mywebsite.com/APE_JSF'; //APE JSF 
APE.Config.domain = 'mywebsite.com'; 
APE.Config.server = 'ape.mywebsite.com:6969'; //APE server URL :6969

DNS has been configured as follows:
ape.mywebsite.com.14400IN A  <IP Address of server>

  <IP Address of server>

IN CNAME  ape.mywebsite.com
What is interesting  is if I goto http://<IP Address>:6969 I land on the 
APE Server page
however, if I goto http://ape.mywebsite.com:6969 I get nothing (well the 
usual "problem loading page... blah blah" message)

Can someone PLEASE point me in the right direction or any direction?

PS. the actual domain name has been replaced with mywebsite.com to protect 
the innocent.


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