2010/12/19 Kevin Brubeck Unhammer <unham...@fsfe.org>

> Francis Tyers <fty...@prompsit.com> writes:
> > Now we have the java compound word implementation ported to C++ we can
> > probably consider this 'de facto' how we are going to do compounds in
> > lttoolbox -- it is _in use_ and there have been _no alternatives_.

Hey, happy to hear that the Java code is ported to C++ :-)

I would have liked it to be test driven in more than a single language pair
(nn-nb) before going 'final' but well, it has been a year now and I'm just
beggining to look at stuff that has been piling up for the last 2 months, so
no chance I'll get progress on any Esperanto or Danish compounding stuff
anyway. Probably finishing lttoolbox-java up and making deployable language
pairs as JAR-files (a la .exe) and an Android port would come first in line
when/if I get the time.

The original reason for having this difference was that we so far have
> no examples of forms that can be compound-R but not words on their own,
> so having those extra identical lines means longer dix files.
> However, lttoolbox has this wonderful feature called pardefs :) So what
> the line for "kortet" really looks like is this:
>  <e>       <p><l>kortet</l>    <r>kort<s n="n"/><s n="nt"/><s
>   n="sg"/><s n="def"/></r></p><par n="cp-R"/></e>
> where
> <pardef n="cp-R">
>   <!-- can appear in compounds: -->
>   <e>       <p><l></l>          <r><c r="R"/></r></p></e>
>   <!-- can appear as a word on its own: -->
>   <e>       <p><l></l>          <r></r></p></e>
> </pardef>
> So, if we're deciding on specifications, that's the only thing I'd like
> to see changed.

Seems fair.
Just note that the code require a non-trivial change. It is currently
depending on stuff like compoundOnlyLSymbol and compoundRSymbol.
Also. please try to keep the Java code in sync if possible, and create some
well-documented tests of the new stuff, like the ones in lttoolbox-java.


Jacob Nordfalk
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