   I've been disappeared (in Apertium) in the last two months but I hope 
to be able to retake my activity in the es-an pair in a couple of weeks. 
If I well remember, in the last "conversation" between Fran, Jim and 
myself, the testvoc had been fixed, and we said the main missing issue 
for making a realease was the treatment of apostrophation.  Since then, 
the apostrophation issue is solved in the svn version, but I also began 
to include a new "package" of frequently used words (not remember now if 
I commited my last version, but I think it was in the middle of that 
expansion, so perhaps I need to perform again the testvoc).  So when I 
"come back to work" in the es-an pair, I'll check the status and we can 
then do whatever else is needed to release a first stable version.
Juan Pablo

El 19/06/2011 18:13, Jimmy O'Regan escribió:
> [Lo siento que escribo en inglés, pero no hablo español]
> 2011/6/19 Mikel Forcada<m...@dlsi.ua.es>:
>> Hola,
>> estaría bien que cuando escribieras te identificaras, para saber cómo
>> tenemos que dirigirnos a ti. "s. sm.c" o "ciudadanosam" no parecen un nombre
>> de pila.
>> Ya se está trabajando en Apertium con el aragonés, aunque no se ha liberado
>> aún ninguna versión estable.
> Ah... that's my fault. There /should/ be a stable version (in both
> directions), but I forgot to add the finishing touches in the
> Luxembourg rush. Perhaps Juan Pablo could remind me what's left?
>> Copio tu mensaje a la lista apertium-stuff para que los desarrolladores del
>> aragonés se pongan en contacto contigo.
> Juan Pablo is the primary developer, I've cc'd him.

Juan Pablo Martínez Cortés, PhD
Profesor Titular de Universidad
Departamento de Ing. Electrónica y Comunicaciones
Grupo de Tecnologías de las Comunicaciones (GTC).
Inst. de Invest. en Ingeniería de Aragón (I3A).
Universidad de Zaragoza

María de Luna 1, Edificio Ada Byron, D. 2.05.
50018 Zaragoza (ARAGON, SPAIN).
Ph:  +34-976-762363 e-mail: jpm...@unizar.es
FAX: +34-976-762111 http://diec.unizar.es/~jpmart

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