
> I'd like to include the possibility for lists in the LRX format. This
> would involve adding a couple of new tags,
That should not be a problem as long as the old format works in the new 
> and changing the root tag,
You would have to give a good reason for it.
> the idea is to have something like:
OK. I would have appreciated comments in the .lrx file...
> Calling a <list> would just involve putting it's contents in the rule.
> So with <or> it would work like an OR, but without, it would work like a
> sequence.
I don't like this at all. This is very opaque. I would not use the tag 
<list>. If it is a set from where you choose, call it <set> or 
<option>... if it is a <sequence> define it as a sequence. But don't 
overload something called a <list> that really isn't.

Another option would be to have a named macro that can contain anything 
that a rule can contain. Then you would use <or> for lists, etc. But 
<or><list>...</list></or> does not read well.

Hope this helps.

> Any thoughts ?
> Fran
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