El dc 10 de 10 de 2012 a les 22:12 +0200, en/na Per Tunedal va escriure:
> Hi,
> I started again with apertium and the pair Swedish (se) to Danish (da).
> I did some changes and compiled the dictionaries, but now the direction
> Swedish to Danish didn't work:
> lt-proc: process a stream ...
> I've changed the name of my bidix and done a svn up, but the problems
> persists with the original dictionary. Obviously, it's not my fault.
> Yours,
> Per Tunedal

Yes, I commented on this a few weeks ago. There is an empty left side in
the bilingual dictionary. I spent a few minutes trying to find it, but
couldn't. I just spent another few minutes now and couldn't either. 

$ echo "år" | apertium -d . sv-da
Error: Invalid dictionary (hint: the left side of an entry is empty)

$ echo "år" | apertium -d . da-sv
Error: Invalid dictionary (hint: the left side of an entry is empty)

The code that produces this error is:

    wcerr << L"Error: Invalid dictionary (hint: the left side of an
entry is empty)" << endl;
    return false;

But if I search for empty entries:

$ lt-expand apertium-sv-da.sv-da.dix | grep '^:' | wc -l

$ lt-expand apertium-sv-da.sv-da.dix | grep ':$' | wc -l

No joy.

So, it should be possible to check if we're setting an initial state to
final during the compilation process.

But, it's ok, because I just found the problem. It's the 

<pardef n="grun/d_rund__adj">
  <e>       <p><l></l>          <r></r></p></e>


If you remove this, and any calls to it (there are three), then the
dictionary should compile.


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